Thursday, January 9, 2020
Hot Sex with Stranger One Rainy Afternoon - 2282 Words
Hello guys, This is Chuck, I had written a true story of me and my maid Veena when I still lived in Bangalore. This one is about my encounter with a total stranger. Someone I did not get to ask her last name too, but had some of the most amazing time ever !! If my memory serves right this happened around a few months before I boinked Veena :) It was during the rainy season in 2008, My work then required me to travel between Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad for trainings that I used to conduct and because I moved so much, I did not buy a vehicle in Bangalore. It was a fine afternoon but as I was getting ready to leave it started raining heavy but I went downstairs anyways and stood in the parking lot of my apartment waiting for the rain to†¦show more content†¦I could see that she was liking what I had to say but sort of was pretending to know it already. She then asked for the washroom and I pointed her to one - She walked into the washroom I could hear her flush a few seconds later I heard a thud. I called out to her and asked her if everything was fine - she did not answer, 2 minutes later I went closer to the door and called out again. She opened the door and came out with a limp and told me how she had slipped and that her back was hurting. Now, dont ask me if this was for real or if she was faking it - as you are going to see - I did not complain. I put her arms over my shoulder and made her sit on my couch and put the leg she was limping with on the table. I remember brushing her boobs on me in the process. I stood up and closed the door and asked her if wanted to rest a while - she did not say a thing but kept rubbing her waist. I asked her if she wanted me to help her and she still did not say a thing. I got on my knees and pushed her slowly to her side to see if there was anything visible - I could not see a thing - I asked her if I could rub some blam massage it and she did not say a word still - I did not want to get up and get balm but I slowly lifted her salwar on her side and rubbed her slowly and kept asking her where it hurt - she was looking away from me and my hands had alreadyShow MoreRelatedCreative Writing : Essay 1981 Words  | 8 Pagesam on my back. And the sound of your voice has made me very excited. I can provide you with more details, or, better yet, you can come here and see for yourself.†â€Å"Oh my God, David, why did you say that? What are you trying to do to me?†â€Å"You’re the one who asked me if I was naked. I doubt you ask every guy that you talk to on the phone if he is buff before answering. 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