Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Overuse Of Internet Surfing Media Essay
The Overuse Of Internet Surfing Media Essay We use the internet for our own favor and interest. It depends what we enjoy the internet surfing for; some like using instant messaging and face book. Now they are the most excessively used internet programs. Sometimes people do that in order to solve some mental disorders. Such as feeling isolated, or having lake of self-confidence. Meeting people over the internet and not having to meet them in person, solves their feeling of insecurity. Others are addicted to gaming on the internet, such as playing poker and chess. They are real life addictive games and having the opportunity to have them online, causes the same effect on them as they are in real life. There are many of internet addiction types like mental disorders cause people to reflect their sickness to their desired object of addiction. Some people are addictive to shopping, games, or drugs. In our case, the people addicted to the internet and computers have a lack of self-confidence and a tendency to feel shy in public. They are not capable to make a circle of friends as normal people do in their lives. So they choose making friends online, which is a much easier way for them to pursue their need. Also they use the internet as an escape from life troubles; whether its problems they face at home or outside in their daily life routines. Maybe playing some games or shopping online gives them the feeling of security within them. And helps them overcome their mental struggles. Basically, it makes them forget about their outside world and focus their attention to the inside wide world of the internet and computer use. This type of internet addiction, when people tend to gain their self-confidence through its usage is the most dangerous type of all. It could harm people, who are tending to get to know strangers through the internet chatting, It could lead to crimes such as theft and sexual harassment. It also causes them to neglect their outside world of communication and only feel secure while using the internet. Meaning they will tend to be more sociable and feel lively only while being on their computer; when this is the negative way of pursuing their careers and social life. The more time they spend online, the more they gain their self-esteem. Its like standing in front of a mirror before leaving their homes to go out, this way they make sure they look good and confident enough before they leave. Its the same for the internet use, after they get the security feeling within themselves. They feel completely relieved. The general causes of internet addiction are divided to certain categories; which lets us understand where the overuse of internet comes from. First thing we face generally is curiosity. Usually some of us are eager to know a lot about the technology which grows every day now. And most of these people are in their 40s and 50s. The ones who doesnt have enough information and practice with the internet use; so their curiosity drives them to start surfing the internet and learning the different ways of the computer use. Such as googgling (Google), chatting online or even gaming for the elders. The next category is the development and renewal of self. Exploring the internet is actually a self-development step; learning about it makes you in hold of everything in the world now. Connected is how you feel when you go through the internet. Its everything we use around the world now; nothing can go on without it. You can find anything concerning the subject of your interest easily and with full information about it. You need to update your look, you surf the internet. Or if there is a piece of information youd to like expand your understanding about. Certain types of food youd like to cook. Everything you need youll find through the internet, and especially if its a self-development and renewal situation. Surfing the internet made it easier for people who make researches and always in need of books to help them fulfill their search. Your desired book of interest can easily be found on the internet now. You no longer need to go to a library and search through the books to find your desired information to complete a research. Now you can go online, search the name of the book, and easily find quotations for it and a full biography about it and its author. You can even find the whole book to read instead of buying from a book store. The same goes to magazines and newspapers; if you have missed a weeks newspaper edition or a magazines issue. You can simply find it online, read it all and maybe save the needed pages for your record. The internet has made it so easy for people around the world to pursue their lives and careers outside or even from inside their homes. It has made everything easily accessible and far simpler. But that doesnt mean that it is the most trusted source of informat ion of all. Technology is definitely the reason why our lives are growing rapidly, and its why the world is connected to one another. Its the only way we get better at what we do, renew ourselves and explore what is around us. But we must still be wary of the Internet as it can be addictive and that is unhealthy. Its the reason why we ignore our lives, routines, and activities. Moving away from causes, this paper will now discuss the effects of Internet addiction The first effect of the internet addiction is obviously the amount of time wasted on it. Its usually more than the normal time that should be spent online. It used excessively, and sometimes out of control. Usually its used a lot when not needed at all; like when using face book more than 8 hours a day isnt necessary but you always feel the urge of needing to use it. When its nothing beneficial in the end; same for chatting online; some people have got a purpose of using it. Maybe to stay connected to their families overseas. But some others just go online all day long for the fun of it. They make new friends, or maybe just stay online because they feel like they need to be. Our second effect would be lack of sleep; since they use the internet excessively this way they are losing the feeling of sleep. The need of it isnt as important to them anymore. The computer symbolizes a huge importance in their lives now that taking care of their health is totally ignored. Also the location of the computer is a huge aspect of why you feel the urge to use it frequently. For example if you place it in the bedroom, it causes a big percentage of lack of sleep. Since its always there in front of you and it gets to be irresistible to use. The third effect would be a low job performance and having poor grades in school. People tend to be online more frequently at work, since they are always in access with their computers. Also some of them arent as busy so they use the computer as a way of entertainment. But the majority loses their focus on doing their jobs at work because of chatting too much online while attempting to do their required assignments. Teenagers tend to ignore their studies and prefer to stay online; therefore they get poor grades in school. Neglecting social relationships and activities is our fourth effect. While were staying online, there could be an important event or gathering going on and were not even paying attention to attend it. It could be a family gathering or even a friends birthday. Those things are important for us to participate in as they create our social relationships and shape our personalities. It also shows us the quality of life in some way or another. While gathering with people and sharing activities with them you tend to build your qualities and know your strengths and weaknesses within yourself. You start to recognize the outside world and its nature. Anger is a main symptom and effect of the internet addiction. Its usually obvious when someone starts to question your time spent online and then you start getting angry. Also it appears when youre offline and tense for not being online during the day. It shows on all of your actions during the day and effects your family and friends interactions. The feeling of the need to be online all the time gets you frustrated and it applies to all your daily activities. Giving away details to strangers is the most dangerous and common problem we face through internet addiction. The more you stay online and intend to make new friends and enter new networks; the more you stop thinking of the consequences which will occur later on. Strangers you get to know online could be criminals of any kind; such as sexual harassers, thieves or even drug dealers. The last symptom and effect of internet addiction is changes in your diet and eating speed. Being online too much makes you lose your appetite to food. Sometimes its the complete opposite; the more they stay online the more eat faster and with more quantities. Its like when youre watching television; you get caught in the movie or anything youre watching and keep eating. Thats how most overweight people get fatter. They are not conscious of their action while being caught in their addictive act. Internet addiction seems as uncontrollable and hard to get over. But there are several steps we should follow as our solutions to fixing the addictive act .They are very simple and easy steps to control all our previous symptoms and effects stated above. First of all we need to admit the problem were facing and our excessive use to the internet and the computer. Knowing that you have a problem and you need to work on it gives you an inner peace. It also gives you the push to be able to pass this phase of addiction and think of ways to work it all out. Or at least keep doing what you love most but still in a healthy way. The change of the location of your computer is a must. Its one of the main solutions for the addiction; as we stated before having it in your bedroom makes it feel irresistible to using the computer. You need to locate in a place which is uncomfortable for you. This will make you only use it for the needed purpose and for a short period of time and then go to your favorite place at home. For example, the living room to watch a movie or read a book in your small library. A password for your computer is very important to be able to decrease your use of the internet. Let you spouse or a family member change the password to only something they know. And only sign you in when you need to and for a specific calculated period of time. This way you will be able to control your usage wisely. Also you could have a Timer; which will control your time of usage. So if you use the internet for more than five hours a day, then decrease it to three hours for instance by using your timer. The last solution we should actively do is getting involved in several activities such as social clubs or fitness exercises. This way youre substituting your addiction with a healthier aspect which will involve you in a more sociable environment. And this will make you gain more confidence by time and make a circle of friends the right way. To conclude, there are no obvious reasons for way people are getting addicted to the internet but there are a lot of things drives us to use the internet .internet just a tool some people use it as skipping from life struggles and the things that made some people getting addicted to the internet could be general causes as use the internet for more knowledge, searching for anything that they need and also for making friends from all over the world, and there are some things considered as mental disorder like feeling lonely, depressed or feeling stress. But there are many effects caused by the internet addiction, lose the family sense, lack of sleep and caused back pains and headache also decreasing the social relationships. but there are some solutions the person who are addicted to the internet have to admit that he is addicted and know that very well (admitting that he have a problem) and start change computer location and put it in place that you dislike it ,never put it in sleepin g rooms because you will prefer playing or chatting then sleeping . And finally the person should make a specific hour for using the internet. Human have to know that they are the creditors of the technology so they shouldnt let the machines control them because machines doesnt have brains like just if you use it smartly it wont ever effect you negatively.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Physical Anthropology: Homo Erectus
1. Introduction/General Information a. A Dutch anatomist named Eugene Dubois is responsible for the discovery of Homo erectus. b. Fossils and remains were found in 1891 on the island of Java. c. Homo erectus is an extinct hominid that lived between 1.6 million and 250,000 years ago. d. Homo erectus is thought to have evolved in Africa from another human ancestor known as Homo habilis–which happens to be the first member of the genus Homo. e. Homo erectus dispersed into Asia more than 1.3 million years ago and then into Europe about 400,000 years ago. 2. Physical Description (What did they look like?) a. Anatomically and physiologically, Homo erectus is similar to modern humans except for a slightly heavier bone structure. b. The size of its braincase is not that different from Homo sapiens, however the cranial bones are much bigger than that of either Homo habilis or modern humans. c. There was a progressive reduction in sexual dimorphism, until there was a similar ration between the two sexes. d. Proportions of the limbs to the body are much more like those of modern humans. Arms are not long and ape-like in relation to the Homo habilis. 3. Diet & Technology a. The adapted technological uses of Homo erectus was said to be significantly more complex than that of its predecessors. b. They made use of stone tools, other varieties of tools created from wood, and fire. c. Interestingly, they created and seasonally resided in oval-shaped huts. d. Homo erectus populations used these huts while also living a life that consisted of surviving based on a combination of intense hunting and the gathering of shellfish and plant foods e. With intense competition for food against large predators, in an environment subject to frequent changes, theoretically caused certain Homo erectus subsets to invent new tools etc. f. As for most hunter gatherers, their diet would have consisted of red meat, occasional shellfish, roots, leaves, nuts, berries, wild grasses, honey and bird's eggs. 4. Behaviors/Social Interactions a. Some researchers considered the social aspects of the species closer to those of modern man than the groups who came before it. b. Members of the Homo erectus species might have communicated with a sort of â€Å"pre-language†. c. Some African sites had remains that showed evidence that despite the human-like anatomy of the species; members were physically incapable of making sounds associated with modern language. 5. Conclusion a. A brief summary of the characteristics and lifestyle of the once existent Homo erectus
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Hot Sex with Stranger One Rainy Afternoon - 2282 Words
Hello guys, This is Chuck, I had written a true story of me and my maid Veena when I still lived in Bangalore. This one is about my encounter with a total stranger. Someone I did not get to ask her last name too, but had some of the most amazing time ever !! If my memory serves right this happened around a few months before I boinked Veena :) It was during the rainy season in 2008, My work then required me to travel between Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad for trainings that I used to conduct and because I moved so much, I did not buy a vehicle in Bangalore. It was a fine afternoon but as I was getting ready to leave it started raining heavy but I went downstairs anyways and stood in the parking lot of my apartment waiting for the rain to†¦show more content†¦I could see that she was liking what I had to say but sort of was pretending to know it already. She then asked for the washroom and I pointed her to one - She walked into the washroom I could hear her flush a few seconds later I heard a thud. I called out to her and asked her if everything was fine - she did not answer, 2 minutes later I went closer to the door and called out again. She opened the door and came out with a limp and told me how she had slipped and that her back was hurting. Now, dont ask me if this was for real or if she was faking it - as you are going to see - I did not complain. I put her arms over my shoulder and made her sit on my couch and put the leg she was limping with on the table. I remember brushing her boobs on me in the process. I stood up and closed the door and asked her if wanted to rest a while - she did not say a thing but kept rubbing her waist. I asked her if she wanted me to help her and she still did not say a thing. I got on my knees and pushed her slowly to her side to see if there was anything visible - I could not see a thing - I asked her if I could rub some blam massage it and she did not say a word still - I did not want to get up and get balm but I slowly lifted her salwar on her side and rubbed her slowly and kept asking her where it hurt - she was looking away from me and my hands had alreadyShow MoreRelatedCreative Writing : Essay 1981 Words  | 8 Pagesam on my back. And the sound of your voice has made me very excited. I can provide you with more details, or, better yet, you can come here and see for yourself.†â€Å"Oh my God, David, why did you say that? What are you trying to do to me?†â€Å"You’re the one who asked me if I was naked. I doubt you ask every guy that you talk to on the phone if he is buff before answering. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Aboriginal Reservation Land Be Compulsorily Acquired For...
Can indigenous Maori reservation land be compulsorily acquired for the purpose of public works by the Minister of Land Information? No, according to legislation to primary legislation Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 and the Public Works Act 1981 and a recent decision from the New Zealand Environment Court. In Grace .v. Minister for Land Information (2014), a New Zealand Environment Court (NZEnvC) case, the primary legal considerations regarding compulsory public works acquisitions of Maori land were brought to the fore. The following case note aims to provide legal background to the aforementioned case, determine material facts which consequently give rise to the key legal issue, the ratio of the case and provide criticisms on its legal value. The underlying theme of preservation of Maori ancestral rights for the ongoing use and education of future generations is a profound one. Thus, the question arises, not whether the case has any prospective legal significance but to what extent. The Public Works Act 1981 is the pre-eminent legislation. As at s2, public works are defined as any Government work undertaken to construct, manage or maintain land for public use (). The Act aims to protect all land from acquisition – be it general or Maori – from acquisition unless circumstances and a lack of alternatives necessitate it. This test is called â€Å"the essential works test†which was repealed in the Public Works Amendment Act 1987. As a result, Maori land is no longer discriminatedShow MoreRelatedLand Law Procedures in Kenya16833 Words  | 68 PagesYEAR 1ST SEMESTER BACHELOR OF LAWS JANUARY- APRIL 2013 COURSE TITLE: LAND LAW 1 COURSE CODE: CLS 300 BY: WILSON MAROTSE MULEI LLM (London), LLB (Moi), Dip. Law (KSL) Attorney at Law, EAC COURSE OUTLINE INTRODUCTION Land law is split into two separate but related units. Land Law 1 and Land Law II. Land Law I deals with foundations of property law and Land Law II deals with Proprietary Rights and transactions. Land Law I is devoted to the teaching of and familiarizing the student with
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