Monday, August 24, 2020
Foreign Investment in Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Remote Investment in Japan - Essay Example This disparity in business culture is a fundamental key to expanding the stakeholders’ worth and for recuperation of ventures (Finance and Investment). This uniqueness in business culture is an essential key to expanding the stakeholders’ worth and for recuperation of speculations (Finance and Investment). Cultural Influence One of the most domineering impressions that Japanese entrepreneurs have is that selling out implies that they have bombed their representatives. Their anxiety for the government assistance of their workers after the procurement has been caused is significant and they to feel that nearby organizations comprehend this considerably more than outsiders do. This issue isn't restricted to remote purchasers; even Japanese value subsidizes face extraordinary troubles in obtaining Japanese organizations. It takes a ton of difficult work to persuade likely focuses to sell on account of their anxiety for their representatives. (ACCI Journal). This is th e fundamental purpose behind the low quantities of exchanges when contrasted with the USA and Europe. This brings up the issue with most outside speculators concerning whether Japanese organizations are available to be purchased? Japanese organizations can be obtained, however this has typically been a tough errand due to social boundaries. Presently the inclination is that Japan needs remote speculation for food (ACCI Journal).â
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Wuthering Heights - Series of Contrasts :: essays research papers
A) Catherine’s love for Heathcliff is conflicted between both Heathcliff and Edgar Linton †clashing loyalties. Her adoration for Heathcliff is provoked by driving forces to dismiss social shows. Her affection for Heathcliff makes her pitch fits and to go around the field. She considers Heathcliff her perfect partner: their life growing up together, their agreeable occasions on the field, and her opportunity and honesty of her adolescence. â€Å"If I’ve fouled up, I’m biting the dust for it. It is sufficient! You left me too †however I won’t censure you! I pardon you. Pardon me!†speaks to Catherine’s love but her savage treatment of Heathcliff for wedding Edgar to achieve material and social additions. B) In section 17 Isabelle comes back to the Grange in physical chaos. She saw Heathcliff as a sentimental figure, similar to a character one would discover in a novel. However, her choice to go with Heathcliff ruins her life. He stays away for the indefinite future her emotions and treats her as an instrument in his scrutiny of vengeance on the Linton family. C) Both ladies want to be with Heathcliff, while just Isabella winds up wedding Heathcliff. Heathcliff’s love for Isabella is a minor apparatus to accomplish his definitive objective of retribution. He weds her as a mean of retribution. Then again, Heathcliff and Catherine would finish one another, they are perfect partners. Neither of their encounters are effective and the two of them don't get what they initially wanted (the adoration for their life). 2. A) When Hindley's better half Frances kicks the bucket not long after bringing forth their child Hareton, Hindley slips into liquor addiction and dissemination. Nelly expected Hindley to get calm and go to his wife’s memorial service. â€Å"'Yesterday, you know, Mr. Earnshaw ought to have been at the burial service. He kept himself calm for the reason - fairly calm: not hitting the hay distraught at six o'clock and becoming up inebriated at twelve. Thusly, he rose, in self-destructive low spirits, as fit for the congregation with respect to a move; and rather, he plunked somewhere around the fire and gulped gin or cognac by tumblerfuls.†B) â€Å"But, I thought in my psyche, Hindley, with evidently the more grounded head, has shown himself unfortunately the more terrible and the more fragile man. At the point when his boat struck, the commander surrendered his post; and the team, rather than attempting to spare her, hurried into uproar and disarray, leaving no expectation for their unfortunate vessel. Linton, despite what might be expected, shown the genuine boldness of a dependable and reliable soul: he confided in God; and God console him†Wuthering Heights - Series of Contrasts :: articles explore papers A) Catherine’s love for Heathcliff is conflicted between both Heathcliff and Edgar Linton †clashing loyalties. Her adoration for Heathcliff is incited by motivations to dismiss social shows. Her adoration for Heathcliff makes her pitch fits and to go around the field. She considers Heathcliff her perfect partner: their life growing up together, their pleasant occasions on the field, and her opportunity and blamelessness of her youth. â€Å"If I’ve fouled up, I’m passing on for it. It is sufficient! You left me too †yet I won’t censure you! I excuse you. Excuse me!†speaks to Catherine’s love but her merciless treatment of Heathcliff for wedding Edgar to accomplish material and social increases. B) In part 17 Isabelle comes back to the Grange in physical chaos. She saw Heathcliff as a sentimental figure, similar to a character one would discover in a novel. However, her choice to go with Heathcliff ruins her life. He stays away forever her emotions and treats her as a device in his examination of retribution on the Linton family. C) Both ladies want to be with Heathcliff, while just Isabella winds up wedding Heathcliff. Heathcliff’s love for Isabella is a simple device to accomplish his definitive objective of retribution. He weds her as a mean of retribution. Then again, Heathcliff and Catherine would finish one another, they are perfect partners. Neither of their encounters are effective and the two of them don't get what they initially wanted (the affection for their life). 2. A) When Hindley's significant other Frances bites the dust not long after bringing forth their child Hareton, Hindley slips into liquor abuse and dispersal. Nelly expected Hindley to get calm and go to his wife’s memorial service. â€Å"'Yesterday, you know, Mr. Earnshaw ought to have been at the burial service. He kept himself calm for the reason - passably calm: not heading to sleep distraught at six o'clock and becoming up inebriated at twelve. Subsequently, he rose, in self-destructive low spirits, as fit for the congregation with respect to a move; and rather, he plunked somewhere near the fire and gulped gin or liquor by tumblerfuls.†B) â€Å"But, I thought in my brain, Hindley, with evidently the more grounded head, has shown himself unfortunately the more awful and the more fragile man. At the point when his boat struck, the chief deserted his post; and the group, rather than attempting to spare her, raced into uproar and disarray, leaving no desire for their unfortunate vessel. Linton, despite what might be expected, shown the genuine fortitude of a steadfast and devoted soul: he confided in God; and God console himâ€
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Effects of Trauma in Civil War Veterans
Effects of Trauma in Civil War Veterans PTSD PTSD and the Military Print Effects of Trauma in Civil War Veterans By K. Kris Hirst Updated on January 23, 2020 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes & Risk Factors Treatment Living With In Children Brian W. Downs / Getty Images Using open-source data from a federal project digitizing medical records on veterans of the American Civil War (1860-1865) called the Early Indicators of Later Work Levels, Disease, and Death Project, researchers have identified an increased risk of post-war illness among Civil War veterans, including cardiac, gastrointestinal, and mental diseases throughout their lives. In a project partly funded by the National Institutes of Aging, military service files from a total of 15,027 servicemen from 303 companies of the Union Army stored at the United States National Archives were matched to pension files and surgeons reports of multiple health examinations. A total of 43 percent of the men had mental health problems throughout their lives, some of which are today recognized as related to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Most particularly affected were men who enlisted at ages under 17. Roxane Cohen Silver and colleagues at the University of California, Irvine published their results in the February 2006 issue of Archives of General Psychiatry. Studies of PTSD and War Studies of PTSD to date have connected war experiences to the recurrence of mental health problems and physical health problems such as cardiovascular disease and hypertension and gastrointestinal disorders. These studies have not had access to long-term health impacts since they have been focused on veterans of recent conflicts. Researchers studying the impact of modern conflict participation report that the factors increasing the risk of later health issues include age at enlistment, intimate exposure to violence, prisoner of war status and having been wounded. The Trauma of the American Civil War The Civil War was a particularly traumatic conflict for American soldiers. Army soldiers commonly enlisted at quite young ages; between 15 and 20 percent of the Union army soldiers enlisted between the ages of 9 and 17. Each of the Union companies was made up of 100 men assembled from regional neighborhoods, and thus often included family members and friends. Large company losses--75 percent of companies in this sample lost between five and 30 percent of their personnel--nearly always meant the loss of family or friends. The men readily identified with the enemy, who in some cases represented family members or acquaintances. Finally, close-quarter conflict, including hand-to-hand combat without trenches or other barriers, was a common field tactic during the Civil War. To quantify trauma experienced by Civil War soldiers, researchers used a variable derived from percent of the company lost to represent relative exposure to trauma. Researchers found that in military companies with a larger percentage of soldiers killed, the veterans were 51 percent more likely to have the cardiac, gastrointestinal, and nervous disease. The Link Between Age and Poor Health After War The study found that the youngest soldiers (ages 9-17 at enlistment) were 93% more likely than the oldest (ages 31 or older) to experience both mental and physical disease. The younger soldiers were also more likely to show signs of cardiovascular disease alone and in conjunction with gastrointestinal conditions and were more likely to die early. Former POWs had an increased risk of combined mental and physical problems as well as early death. One problem the researchers grappled with was comparing diseases as they were recorded during the latter half of the 19th century to todays recognized diseases. Post-traumatic stress syndrome was not recognized by doctorsâ€"although they did recognize that veterans exhibited an extreme level of nervous disease that they labeled irritable heart syndrome. Children and Adolescents in Combat Harvard psychologist Roger Pitman, writing in an editorial in the publication, writes that the impact on younger soldiers should be of immediate concern, since their immature nervous systems and diminished capacity to regulate emotion give even greater reason to shudder at the thought of children and adolescents serving in combat. Although disease identification is not one-to-one, said senior researcher Roxane Cohen Silver, Ive been studying how people cope with traumatic life experiences of all kinds for twenty years and these findings are quite consistent with an increasing body of literature on the physical and mental health consequences of traumatic experiences. Boston University psychologist Terence M. Keane, Director of the National Center for PTSD, commented that this remarkably creative study is timely and extremely valuable to our understanding of the long-term effects of combat experiences. Joseph Boscarino, Senior Investigator at Geisinger Health System, added There are a few detractors that say that PTSD [Post-traumatic stress disorder] does not exist or has been exaggerated. Studies such as these are making it difficult to ignore the long-term effects of war-related psychological trauma.
Friday, May 22, 2020
How Effective Is Terrorism Is For Achieving Its Political...
POL 10002 International Politics E. Pasimaloku Assessment 3: Major Essay Topic: How effective has terrorism being in achieving its political objectives. This essay will discuss how effective the terrorism has been in achieving its political objectives and will base its arguments on Political Terrorism by Schmid AP and Alberts J 1988 case study and supported by the 9/11 attack by Webster 2011 and the Siege operation by Cathy 2013. In unpacking the topic, key areas such as history and defining terrorist, the effectiveness of terrorism, its political objectives and quantify why civilians has been the target. The cases used were chosen to support the body of the essay as they highlight effectiveness of terrorism with a whole range of terrorism attacks and history around the world indicating the method used, the group involved and the objective of such attacks. The historical background of the word terrorism is that it originates from ‘terrorisme’ a French word that actually came from a Latin verb ‘terreo’ which means frightened. The word terror is expressed in Rome as an unsettling stage of emergency. It was whe n the Jacobins lost power that terror turned to be an abuse word in this expression (Rajiv, D 2013). This term of abuse has been on the world stage entwined with a complexity of unfinished definition. It has shifted the focus of state governments around the world to its national security department for expansion and development where the Middle East countries,Show MoreRelatedMilitary Science: Irregular Warfare Essay1230 Words  | 5 Pagesthe key issues that governments face in creating effective strategies for irregular warfare with a particular emphasis on counter-insurgency (COIN) and terrorism. Resources such as time, space, legitimacy and support present themselves as key issues in dealing with insurgency and terrorism and are leveraged by an insurgent or terrorist group to gain an advantage over conventional military forces. Modern day understanding of insurgency and terrorism has become blurred over time and thus it is necessaryRead MoreTerrorism Is Not A New Concept Essay1482 Words  | 6 PagesPearl Harbor, the attack on the World Trade Center was not executed by a state actor. Instead, it was the act of terrorism by a group known as Al Qaida. The fight against this terrorist group would continue over the next decade. By most accounts, the struggle even continues today. While this was one of the worst terror attacks in modern history, terrorism is not a new concept. Terrorism dates back to the nationalists’ fights against established governments, but has amplified since the 1970’s. NewRead MoreThe Strategic Logic Of Suicide Terrorism Summary840 Words  | 4 PagesStrategic Logic and Suicide Terrorism Suicide terrorism is frequently associated with irrational behavior. In the article â€Å"The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism†written by Robert A. Pape, he asserts that suicide terrorism are strategies of rational thinking. Furthermore, he claims that leaders of terrorist organizations utilize suicide terrorism, as a form of coercion. Thus, he characterizes suicide terrorism as a rational and strategic act amongst the leaders of terrorist organizations to achieveRead MoreThe Issue Of International Law1695 Words  | 7 Pages(including terrorism), whilst respecting individual state sovereignty and maintaining maximum participation of states. How effective is International Law in achieving this aim? What are the pitfalls and how might these be removed or the effects ameliorated? 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Attacks that try to get unauthorized access to data, networks or computers are so called cyber attacks. When it comes to cyber security, one of the main questions is: How can unauthorized people get access to internal networks and processes via cyber space? The easiest and simplest way to enter an external computer or network is to take advantage of security gaps. These security gaps can exist within the soft-or hardwareRead MoreThe Terrorist Attacks Of The United States1409 Words  | 6 PagesThe 2001 terrorist attack in the United States had negative social and economic effects in the country and generally stirred the peace of the citizens. Terrorism is a major threat to any sovereign country in the world including the United States where. There are other threats that influence the comfort and the interests of the residents of the United States in varying measures (Decker, 2001). The Department of Homeland Security is tasked with the protection of the people from any ac tivity that influencesRead MoreConcept of Terrorism2019 Words  | 9 PagesAre You Countering Terrorism? Introduction To The Series†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Protecting the public remains the highest priority of the Police Service but the growth of international terrorism over recent years has resulted in the publics’ protection being severely threatened. No community is immune from the global reach of international terrorism and the UK is a prime target for Al-Qaida and its affiliates. It is therefore necessary that police colleaguesRead MoreOne Mans Freedom Fighter, Another Mans Terrorist Essay5135 Words  | 21 PagesHistorical Inquiry - Terrorism Abstract What defines terrorism or freedom fighting depends upon a number of factors. Motivation as a factor in defining terrorism or freedom fighting is particularly significant as it forms the basis of Macquarie’s dictionary definition, â€Å"someone who joins in organised resistance usually armed against the established government, or the domination of his or her country by a foreign power†. Therefore it can be stated that a freedom fighters goal is to liberateRead MoreTerrorism As A Crime, Or Terrorism Essay1797 Words  | 8 PagesTerrorism as warfare, terrorism as a crime, or terrorism as a disease. Whichever view is adopted is determined by the kinds of countermeasures countries will use in their efforts to deal with terrorism. Definitions of terrorism are diverse and commentators and scholars tend to disagree on which is the most accurate. This usually occurs because the different types of terrorism are so widespread, and some experts will include or exclude various g roups depending on their preferences. Terrorism is a
Friday, May 8, 2020
Effects of Media Violence on Children - 2430 Words
The Effect of Media Violence on Children and Levels of Aggression. It has been said that children are like sponges when it comes to attaining knowledge. This seems to be true whether they are learning to speak or how to show emotion. Feelings and emotions become more imminent once children begin to go through adolescents. Children acquire the ability to aggression, sadness, and happiness more readily. Males typically exhibit higher levels of aggression then females according to some research. Within the realm of learning children imitate what they see constantly, whether it be through TV, magazines ,movies, or radio. Media plays a strong role on how children act to different situations that they may have seen. Sometimes the†¦show more content†¦In another experiment conducted by Liebart and Baron (1972) there was a strong correlation with violent behavior after viewing violent material. A group of kids ages from 5 to 9 was chosen and were subjected to the experiment one at a time. They were first warmed by watch watching 2 minutes of TV that was neutral to violent and non- violent. After the two minutes were up the children were randomly assigned to a non- violent group that went to watch an exciting sports sequence for three and half minutes. The other group was subjected to was three and half minutes of the movie Untouchables , which was rated R. After the child was given the opportunity help another child or hurt them. They had could help the other child with the game they were playing or hurt by making the handle that the child was holding hot. After the experiment was over the results proved their hypothesis correctly. Children that watched the violent film were more likely to make the handle hot for another child then was the other non- violent movie group. Also later when the children were observed at play the subjects that had watched the violent film played more with the violent toys( fake guns and knives) then the other group. A study by Bjorkqvist (1985) showed that even cartoon character violence h as an affect on children. In the experiment who used 87 kids. 45 from preschoolShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Media Violence On Children873 Words  | 4 Pages According to the Media Education Foundation, once a child reaches eighteen years of age, they have witnessed around 200,000 acts of violence and 16,000 murders ( Our society loves entertainment and a grand portion of this entertainment contains violence. Children constantly consume violent visuals, due to their prevalence. Majority of our society is uninterested in the effects of media violence since its effects do not show immediately. Misinformation is our greatest enemy in theRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On Children974 Words  | 4 Pagesmany kinds of media, like Internet, video game, television and film. It is generally believed that some of the bad information such as violent content in the media can have a negative effect on people, and it can end up causing some social problem. It is c lear that children are more likely to be influenced by media violence than other age groups because of their world outlook and personality are not formed. Furthermore is if media violence does have some profound influence on children, this will leadRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On Children884 Words  | 4 Pagesis all this necessary to fabricate in the media? What are characters in movies teaching kids? What about the language in music talking about killing people and talking about violence like it’s the cool thing? What about new channels always talking about guns, bombs and threats to the public, is this what is influencing are children because they view it as a norm? Some may agree with this as others may disagree. Media violence is not the factor in violence today. Studies show that over 90% of homesRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On Children1357 Words  | 6 Pagesthe graphic cruelty and violence. According to American Psychological Association, the harmful influence of media violence on children dates back to the 1950s and 1960s, and remains strong today. A child that watches violence or hears about violence can be influenced to become violent. Indeed, in reviewing the totality of empirical evidence regarding the impact of media violence, the conclusion that exposure to violent portrayals poses a risk of harmful effects on children has been reached by theRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On Children1943 Words  | 8 PagesFor many years now, the media has been a big part of our lives. Almost everybody in the world is or has connected to it one way or another. It is a way for families and friends to have fun together, for interesting topics that people are interested in, or to just enjoy alone. However, there is a problem that can be seen across all types of media: violence. Violence can be seen as a distraught way to get over problems. There is judgement issues involved for violence. It is done by bullies in schoolRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On Children2411 Words  | 10 PagesMedia Violence is definitely harmful to children as the exposure of media violence can desensitize children (age 6-12) to violence and in the real world; violence becomes enjoyable and does not result in apprehensiveness in the child. There have been several studies and experiments regarding the adverse effects of violence used in video games, television, as well as movies. With both preschool and school-aged children, studies have found that they are more likely to imitate the violence they seeRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On Children2122 Words  | 9 Pagesexposed to various types of media, for example books or magazines, television, song lyrics, video games, and movies. Media often portrays, aggressive action, behaviour, and violence. This content can negatively affect not only adolescents and adults, but can have an even greater effect on children even from the moment they are exposed to it. Children who are exposed to violence in the media may display aggressive and violent behaviour. Young people especially children under the age of eight thisRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On Children1903 Words  | 8 Pagesdepict different forms of violence. Some people feel that there is too much violence exposed in the media. Many studies have made the claim that the media is responsible for much of the violence seen in the world we live in. However, people have choices and responsibilities we cannot allow ourselves to blame it on other things such as the media. The violence seen in our media has an impact on both adults and children. Since children are also exposed to various forms of media, there has been additionalRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On Children1270 Words  | 6 Pagesdifferent forms of violence. Some people feel that there is too much violence exposed in the media. Many studies have made the claim that the media is responsible for much of the violence seen in the world we live in (List and Wolfgang). However, people have choices and responsibilities we cannot allow ourselves to blame it on other things such as the media. The violence seen in our media has an impact on both adults and children. Since children are also exposed to various forms of media, there has beenRead MoreWhat Is the Effect of Media Violence on Children1314 Words  | 6 PagesYasser Abdelaziz Ms. Williams English 1010-18 13, December 2010 The Effect of Media Violence on Children Although very little research was done on it in the past, media violence has sparked much controversy in recent history. As technology becomes more advanced, new methods of uncovering the media’s effects on children have emerged. Advances in Neuroscience, for example, can become tools to understanding the effects media violence has from a psychological standpoint. The brain in its underpinnings
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ben Bernanke and Sub-prime Free Essays
Considering Ben Bernanke’s statements and economic forecast one year later, the downside has occurred. He mentioned the effect of consumer confidence and attitude about the possibility of inflation. Since that forecast was made attitudes across the board have shown no confidence in an economic upturn, or at least a belief that the economy is less than stable. We will write a custom essay sample on Ben Bernanke and Sub-prime or any similar topic only for you Order Now The federal government has responded with the Economic Stimulus Package designed to increase consumer and business spending. The Stimulus Package will put actual dollars into the hands of consumers hoping to cause a real increase in consumer spending. Bernanke stated that business capital expenditures should at least remain stable. However, an extra push was given in the form of additional tax writeoffs for large capital expenditures. In other words both consumer and business spending were leveling off or decreasing and needed a boost. Gas prices have remained unstable, rising and falling by nearly $1 per gallon in many areas. This constant fluctuation makes it difficult to assess the long term affect of gas prices on the economy. However, gas price fluctuations may not be as large of a downside as some other issues in the economy. Consumers can shop long distance without using any gasoline. With the internet people can shop online eliminating to drive across town for a day of shopping. Employment and trade deficits continue to be of concern to economists, however these issues have been overshadowed by continuing developments and downturns in the housing and mortgage industries. The Downside At the time of the 2007 economic forecast, the housing market had already entered a slump. Bernanke stated that the subprime effect may be contained. However, that has not been the case. The subprime debacle has remained in the headlines under many terms including: the housing crisis, the subprime mortgage mess, the foreclosure crisis, and the credit crisis. The housing crisis began after the price and sales boom in 2005. As housing prices began a rapid decline over one year, it became evident that the problem was due in part (if not in full) to the recent developments in the subprime mortgage market. Many subprime mortgages had adjustable rates which were unaffordable when the rate adjustment increased those monthly mortgage payments. This was compounded by the fact that housing prices had begun a rapid decline. There was no way for homeowners to get out of those rising payments either by selling or refinancing. Homes no longer had the equity or value that they were expected to have. The Spillover and Its Affect The first spillover from the housing price decline was directly to the subprime mortgage market. Two years after the housing market meltdown, it has been discovered that the entire subprime market was the result of the collective genius of Wall Street investment firms. Subprime mortgages had become a complex range of securities including bonds, hedge funds, mortgage-backed securities, collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) and other such terms that we now hear everyday on the news. Many have found that their personal investments – pensions, IRAs, as well as bank and corporate investments were heavily invested in subprime mortgages at least indirectly. What has resulted is a breakdown of the financial markets, both in the United States and internationally. Daily news reports show that international investors and banks have been exposed to or involved in the U. S. subprime markets. Credit ratings on many investments have been lowered to the point of declaring some bank securities worthless. When banks have no collateral to borrow against, they have no funds to lend to their banking customers, even the ones with good credit. When investment houses get lower credit ratings, the value of a shareholder’s’s investments becomes worthless as well. As a result, the U. S. dollar has lost footing against foreign currencies. This caused the government and the Federal Reserve to step in and literally change the way they put money into the economy. Until very recently, the Federal Reserve, the U. S. Central Bank, did not lend money to Wall Street investment firms. Realizing that the developments in the subprime market and the widespread use of subprime mortgages as investment vehicles, the Federal Reserve has come to understand that the subprime mortgage industry is at the very heart of our economy. Changing key interest rates several times did not help, so the Fed had to put money into the area that is most likely to bring the economy into a recession. In other words, there has been a change in the banking and financial systems. Lending and borrowing fuel buying and selling, and saving and spending in the economy. Commercial deposit banks are no longer the primary source of capital to businesses and consumers, but investment banks are. To support this new source of business the Federal Reserve has begun lending to investment houses by the same means that it lends to banks – through short term loans. Investment houses have also began offering smaller consumer based deposit and credit products such as money market deposit accounts and credit cards available at many major investment brokerages. Analysis and Conclusion The reason for the subprime spillover into other segments of the economy is because the economy and the way it operates is shifting. The U. S. economy, and the international economy may no longer be bank based. As governments begin to privatize certain operations, the way these organizations seek funding or capital becomes a private matter. For example, when the Unites States government chartered private companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to essentially operate the mortgage market, Fannie and Freddie raised capital on the U. S. financial markets as opposed to borrowing through banks. Right now the U. S. is at the downside of a bank based economy. What the upside will be is the complete shift to an investment based economy. As the Federal Reserve continues to support the investment houses, those will become our deposit institutions of the future. Once that shift is complete, the economy will stabilize and grow, even though it will be completely different. How to cite Ben Bernanke and Sub-prime, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Scarlet Ibis By James Hurst Essays - The Scarlet Ibis, Series
Scarlet Ibis By James Hurst In the short story The Scarlet Ibis by James Hurst, has various themes. A theme is a subject, topic or ideas that happen throughout a short story, essay, or a composition. The three themes in The Scarlet Ibis are Doodle never gives up, his older brother loves him and unforeseen things happen. One theme is that Doodle never gave up on the challenges of life. When he was born everybody thought that he would die, but several months after he was born they finally decided to name him. The doctor and his parents said that Doodle would never be able to get out of bed. To everyone's surprise when they put him on the floor he began to learn how to crawl, but he learned how to talk before he learned how to crawl. They also thought that he could never walk because he was so small and fragile. Doodle learned how to walk. It took while for him to learn, but he did it and never gave up. Another theme is that his older brother loves him. Despite the fact that he embarrasses his older brother he still takes the time to teaching him how to walk. He also takes Doodle every where with him. His older brother shows him love by talking about the future and giving Doodle hope. His brother never gave up on Doodle, he kept pushing him and teaching him to walk. When Doodle died his older brother was a great loss because even though Doodle embarrassed him, he still had spent all his spear time with him. Lastly, a theme in the story is that unforeseen things happen. The fact that Doodle lived as long has he did was very unexpected. When he was born the parents bought him a small coffin. Then they waited three months to name him. They did not even think he would live a couple of days, never mind years. Once they realized he was going to live they did not expect him to get out of bed. Once again they were wrong. Doodle learned to talk, crawl and walk. Basically everything that Doodle did was very unexpected. Themes in the short story help the reader to understand Doodle and his older brother. The themes are very important to the story because they show Doodle to be strong even though everybody thought he was weak. They also showed how his brother loved Doodle by teaching him many things and being more patient with him than his parents.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Adolescent Risk Behavior And Varying Family Structures Social Work Essay Example
Adolescent Risk Behavior And Varying Family Structures Social Work Essay Example Adolescent Risk Behavior And Varying Family Structures Social Work Essay Adolescent Risk Behavior And Varying Family Structures Social Work Essay or 25.8 million members of the young person population surveyed, reported utilizing marihuana within the 30 yearss prior to the conductivity of the study. With both adolescent substance usage and changing familial constructions increasing over this clip it is difficult non to oppugn if a relationship between the two exists. The addition in divorce in the United States has besides led to much guess on whether or non the rapid alteration in household construction and support has affected the kids involved. It has been shown that divorce is a extremely nerve-racking clip for all members of the household, and being a kid of divorce I can certify to this fact. In most instances, one of parents greatest concerns is how divorce will impact their kids. As predicted, in times of rapid societal alteration ( ie divorce ) or hurt, societal control and norms are weakened and this rapid alteration serves to deregulate values, beliefs, and general norms ( Berkman et al. 1969 ) . As a consequence of the rapid societal alteration caused by divorce, kids may roll from their ethical motives and general norms and go more inclined to prosecute in hazard behaviours. They besides may turn to substance utilizations as a manner to get by or as a manner to suit in with their equal group. Flewelling et Al. found that higher degr ees of illicit substance usage were found for kids in non-intact households or non atomic places and that kids in these places were much more likely to prosecute in initial drug usage. These surveies suggest that there is a relationship between non-intact places and increased substance usage. This survey seems to propose that there is a relationship between striplings and household construction but to what extent is it the changing household constructions that is act uponing the behaviours. Bjarnason and co-workers found that striplings populating with both biological parents engaged less often in heavy intoxicant usage than those populating in any other household construction. The survey found that more alcohol ingestion was observed in kids populating with a individual male parent than a individual female parent. Through their consequences they concluded that increased intoxicant ingestion is associated with non-intact households and supports the thought that some relationship must be between substance usage and non-intact household construction. However, is it merely the deficiency of both parents in the place that cause increases in substance usage or can it change among the different non-intact constructions themselves? Hoffmann and co-workers research found that even after seting for sociodemographic factors the hazard of drug usage is lowest in mother-father households. Hoffman and collegues besides examined other household construction and found was that the highest degree of drug usage was found in striplings in father-custody households ( father-only and father-stepmotherfamilies ) This survey provides interesting consequences because it suggests that Ta difference does be between patriarchal and matriarchal household units. This brings up the inquiry of why are at that place differences between individual female parent places and individual male parent places. If it is merely the difference between integral households and non-intact households that causes the addition in adolescent substance usage so why is at that place changing rates of substance usage between female parent and male parent individual places? In farther analysis of the influences of household construction on adolescent substance maltreatment, it is necessary to see factors besides the physical construction of the household substructure as justification for increased substance maltreatment and analyze a apogee of household hazard factors and the quality of the familiar relationships. It is undeniable that parents are of import an of import portion in furthering healthy behaviours and wonts but is it merely the fact that Mom or Dad are absent at the dinner tabular array that makes a child participate in intoxicant and drug related activities? Much research has been conducted on this subject and most have found that it is non merely this household construction that determines the hazard behaviour but that there are other factors that cause the forms observed. The survey conducted by Flewelling et al. , supports the thought that household behaviours influence increased hazard behaviour in striplings both quantitatively and qu alitatively. The survey presents the thought that it is parental interactions and relationships that influence imbibing. That it is by proxy that the kids in for deficiency of a better word broken places turn to substance maltreatment. They suggest adolescent intoxicant usage appears to run chiefly through deteriorated dealingss between striplings and their parents ( Flewelling ) . This research brings up an of import point that maybe it is factors normally associated with broken places that caused the relationship between household construction and hazard behaviour. Besides, much of society will hold that parents play a critical function in learning their kids the regulations of society and what classifies as proper and appropriate behaviour. Parents provide subject and monitoring as a agency of forestalling aberrant behaviour and engagement in common hazards behaviours. It has therefore been shown that the relationship between parents and their kids is indispensable in act uponing a kid s risks behaviours peculiarly in respects to adolescent substance maltreatment ( Sokol-Katz et Al. 1997 ) . If a individual parent is excessively busy seeking to supply a comfy life manner for their household they may non be able to supply this necessary relationship that their kids need. Over the past two decennaries much research has been conducted to analyze this quandary in individual parent families. Most research workers support the thought that it is the behaviours and positions that tend to be associated with these individual parent places that are really interceding the stripling hazard behaviour. Harmonizing to one survey it is parental bound scene ( Turner ) , that is the cause of the form of increased hazard behaviour in kids from non-intact households. Turner et Al. goes on to explicate that because individual parentage is so demanding parents may be less likely to put bounds and allow early liberty to their kids. This increased independency granted so early in childhood seems to hold a correlativity with increased hazard behaviours. The survey provides the illustration of a sample of 8th graders and after school wonts. Some of the 8th classs were left place entirely while their several individual parents are at work and the others had their parent plac e when they arrived from school. The survey found that the kids who were left place entirely exhibited an increased prevalence in experimentation with baccy, intoxicant and marihuana. The survey concluded that it is parental engagement in their kids s lives that seems to intercede the opportunity of substance usage non merely the fact that the kid lived in a non-intact place. This provides of import penetration into the relationship between household construction and stripling hazard behaviour. If it is non merely the household construction that is doing the correlativity so there are methods that can be taken to cut down the job that is lending to the kid s substance usage other than the unhappy twosomes holding to remaining together. The deduction of this research is great. This research allows one to see if possibly kids in non-intact households are at greater hazard for accommodation because their parents do non hold clip to give the degree of support needed by the kids in an al ready tense late changed environment and that this is what causes the kids to seek support through drug usage. Although many would reason that experimenting with intoxicant and drugs is the norm for adolescents today, Brook and co-workers found that substance maltreatment may be positively influenced by increased parent-adolescent relationship quality and effectual parenting. ( Brook et al. 1984 ) . However how do we quantify what is effectual parenting and how does this contribute to take down stripling substance usage. A survey performed by Barnes et Al. supports the claim that parental support and monitoring are of import forecasters of adolescent results. Barnes et Al. explains that there is by and large a additive relationship between parental support and stripling results. They found that parents who show more support and who exhibit more attachment to their kids produce kids with a lower opportunity of hazard behaviours. The constitution of such interactions is critical to parental consciousness of many fortunes and issues that could potentially promote hazard behaviour amongst strip lings. Parental consciousness and engagement represents a sort of protection from exposure to drugs and intoxicant. It has been shown systematically to hold a positive influence on stripling substance usage through buffering striplings interaction and association with equals of active drug usage ( Wang et al. 2009 ) . Parental consciousness is successful for the obvious grounds, parents are non merely witting of where their kid is but they are besides knowing about the activities that they are involved in and about the persons whose company their kids maintain. Information such as this gives parents the ability to interact more closely with their kids. It allows them to foster safeguard them from a assortment of societal force per unit areas such as substance maltreatment, and maneuver them on a way of less hazardous behaviours. Research workers have demonstrated that strong parent-adolescent relationships tend to function as a resilience factor by cut downing the impact of peer dr ug influences ( Farrell and White 1998 ) . In add-on to the development and practicing of effectual parenting accomplishments and set uping a better more knowing relationship with their kids, the emotional connexion between parents and kids is of great importance in act uponing kids s hazard seeking behaviours. Surveies have shown that a relationship exists between the measure and quality of parent-child relationships and substance maltreatment. As a consequence of their surveies, Farrell et Als have shown that increased adhering with striplings correlatives to a lessening in the hazard behaviours in which they partake. An addition in trust and the development of a common apprehension between two people is frequently the consequence of any bond and therefore, it is apprehensible that increased parent-child relationships would expose such effects on substance maltreatment. When parents are actively involved in their kids s lives they tend to monopolise more of their kids s times merely because of the nature of their increased relationship. Thus, passing leisure clip with parents restricts chances of prosecuting in imbibing and drug activities ( Kuntsche et al 2006 ) . in add-on, high degrees of household struggle appear to increase the hazard for job behaviours, including those associated with intoxicant and drug maltreatment. When looking more specifically at the relationship between female parents and adolescents the same effects of struggle clasp true. Additions in mother-adolescent statements were related significantly to drug usage. Adolescents who classified their relationships with their female parent as positive, describing low engagement in intoxicant and illicit drug usage ( Farrell el al 1998 ) . This relationship demonstrates the importance of societal coherence within the household place. Feeling portion of a group, or in this instance portion of a household, has clearly been shown to be connected to both an person s physical and mental wellness. Overall it is difficult to contend that fact that some relationship undeniably exists between household construction and hazard behaviours. Because adolescent substance usage is such a big job there are many statistics to back up the relationship. However the existent cause of the relationship is what becomes ill-defined. Many research workers have found that non-intact household structures come with many factors that contribute to depression, solitariness, and sudden alterations. The emotional turbulences of the household can act upon a immature individual to experiment more to suit in, to get by with their emotions, or merely as an act of rebellion. Besides, in non-intact households, more specifically single-parent places, societal and economic factors contribute to a great extent to the household moral force. Without two parents in the place a single-parent must equilibrate clip between work, their kids, and their ain lives with it s ain stressors. Many parents struggle with this balance and the consequence is normally that their kids do non have as much support or monitoring that they need and turn to drugs and intoxicant. The relationship presented does non possess a black and white solution. Many methods must be used to do certain young person in non-intact places and even in integral places do nt turn to drugs and intoxicant. Parents should seek to interact with their kid every bit much as possible and constructing a strong household relationship should be of topmost importance. Many of the hazard factors associated with increased substance usage are non fixed and must be adjusted before they become a job.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Set It and Forget It Three Small Tweaks That Can Make a Big Difference in Your Bottom Line
Set It and Forget It Three Small Tweaks That Can Make a Big Difference in Your Bottom Line In business, people outsource. In business, people use technology to solve their problems and make their lives easier. Writers? Not so much. We like to find that hardest, longest, most frustrating way of doing things and hold onto it as if our very existence depends on it. Right? Or perhaps you’re a writer who feels there’s nothing in your business that could even be automated, certainly not the process of finding clients or generating assignments. And that’s where I come in. Because I’m a big believer in making life easy when it can be made easy. I don’t skimp on research, I certainly don’t skimp on the time I spend perfecting my writing and my work, but if there’s a way in which I could automate the business end of my work, I’m all for it. Here then are three things I do routinely in the set it and forget it category that could help free up some time and generate a bit more income for you. Your Website I like to think of assignments that come to me through my website as â€Å"found money.†It’s not work I go looking for and it usually pays pretty well, because clients who’re searching on Google for freelancers in India just haven’t found the right ones yet and are willing to pay good rates for someone they think might make their life easy. I built my website once, and, while I update it frequently, it doesn’t actually require work or effort on my part to find these clients. A presence on Google is enough. My website works for me because of location, but you may have another specific skill set. You may, for instance, be a writer who does a lot of copywriting work for waste management companies. You want to make sure that when someone searches for that niche, your name pops up. That’s going to bring you business constantly and if you’re not popping up on some niche on some Google search, you’re losing money. Your Reprints I don’t believe there’s a lot of found money in reprints anymore but if you automate the process and make it simple, a few resulting sales may be worth the time investment you make in setting up the system. My trick is simple: When you get a contract for your piece, make a note of how soon after the piece is published you’re allowed to have it reprinted and set that date on your calendar. On that date, spend an hour or two looking for markets for that reprint (you can usually find about 20-30 markets) and do an e-mail blast. If the market is good, the timing is perfect, and you’re lucky, you’ll make a sale - or three - and if not, you haven’t spent hours wasting your time on trying to market a reprint that’s not going anywhere. If it sells, great. If not, move on. The next time you have something published, do this again. Your Letter of Introduction I’ve just rewritten my Letter of Introduction because I wanted it to have an even greater impact, but my last LOI brought in tens of thousands of dollars worth of revenue for me. I did a blast every couple of months when I felt that work was drying up. Without fail, it managed to either drum up some business or help me connect with a new editor or client. A good Letter of Introduction takes work, though, so don’t expect to just bang one out in ten minutes and expect to see the money rolling in. I try to personalize my LOIs each time I send them out, even though the basic format remains the same. And I also take great care to write it well the first time so that it’s a template I can build off. Spend a few hours perfecting your LOI like you would a brochure or any other marketing material. But once you’ve done it, it’s an easy income generator that can bring in clients quickly without much more than an email blast every few months. When you set it and forget it, you create time for yourself to do the things that are important to you, like writing. What part of your freelancing business will you automate today?
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Three cheers for the surveillance society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Three cheers for the surveillance society - Essay Example According to Brin, surveillance society is characterized by immense and irreversible developments in technology that increasingly enables sophisticated surveillance. Brin sees the movement toward the surveillance society as an inevitable process driven by the constant advancement of technology. Hence, the image of technological development as an inexorably rising tide. The mainstay of Brin's argument on surveillance society is the technological environment that makes the emergence of a surveillance society not only a concrete possibility but also a reality in the making. Most importantly, there is nothing inevitable with human societies. Although, the technological developments and the consequent emergence of surveillance society at present may seen as an irreversible phenomenon, there is no guarantee that alternate forms of society cannot emerge. Both culture and politics have tremendous influence in bringing about such profound changes, a fact that Brin has not reflected upon. The problem is that Brin, in his rush to reach the conclusion of "surveillance society", has been overwhelmed by the recent developments in technology that trapped him in a kind of crass technological determinism whereas he identifies technological development as the moving force of human history.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Analysis of Global Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Analysis of Global Governance - Essay Example On the other hand, it has been proved that the decisions of governments on crucial political, social and economic issues may present similarities in countries internationally – a phenomenon observed especially in countries with common social or cultural characteristics. In this way, local political choices may influence the forms of international policies – a trend well developed in areas such as security and governance. The current paper focuses on the critical examination and comparison of two studies focusing on global governance: the study of Held & McGrew (2002) and that of Wilkinson & Hughes (2002); both of these studies refer to the criteria, the characteristics and the implications of global governance. The interpretation of global governance – as given by the above writers – is critically discussed by referring to the actual political and social conditions in the international community. Moreover, the examination of their work led to the assumptio n that global governance can have a long-term impact on various aspects of international political and social framework. In this study, an emphasis is given on the implications of global governance for security – as these implications can be identified in the work of Held et al. (2002) and Wilkinson et al. (2002). It is concluded that the above studies indicate a relationship between global governance and security; however, the level at which this relationship is developed is depended on the grade of acceptance of the relevant schemes by the authorities of each country – which are asked to adopt a specific global governance or security scheme. In order to evaluate the potential differences in the interpretation of global governance as developed by Held et al. (2002) and Wilkinson et al. (2002), it would be necessary to refer primarily to the criteria on which these two studies have been based. Â
Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Overuse Of Internet Surfing Media Essay
The Overuse Of Internet Surfing Media Essay We use the internet for our own favor and interest. It depends what we enjoy the internet surfing for; some like using instant messaging and face book. Now they are the most excessively used internet programs. Sometimes people do that in order to solve some mental disorders. Such as feeling isolated, or having lake of self-confidence. Meeting people over the internet and not having to meet them in person, solves their feeling of insecurity. Others are addicted to gaming on the internet, such as playing poker and chess. They are real life addictive games and having the opportunity to have them online, causes the same effect on them as they are in real life. There are many of internet addiction types like mental disorders cause people to reflect their sickness to their desired object of addiction. Some people are addictive to shopping, games, or drugs. In our case, the people addicted to the internet and computers have a lack of self-confidence and a tendency to feel shy in public. They are not capable to make a circle of friends as normal people do in their lives. So they choose making friends online, which is a much easier way for them to pursue their need. Also they use the internet as an escape from life troubles; whether its problems they face at home or outside in their daily life routines. Maybe playing some games or shopping online gives them the feeling of security within them. And helps them overcome their mental struggles. Basically, it makes them forget about their outside world and focus their attention to the inside wide world of the internet and computer use. This type of internet addiction, when people tend to gain their self-confidence through its usage is the most dangerous type of all. It could harm people, who are tending to get to know strangers through the internet chatting, It could lead to crimes such as theft and sexual harassment. It also causes them to neglect their outside world of communication and only feel secure while using the internet. Meaning they will tend to be more sociable and feel lively only while being on their computer; when this is the negative way of pursuing their careers and social life. The more time they spend online, the more they gain their self-esteem. Its like standing in front of a mirror before leaving their homes to go out, this way they make sure they look good and confident enough before they leave. Its the same for the internet use, after they get the security feeling within themselves. They feel completely relieved. The general causes of internet addiction are divided to certain categories; which lets us understand where the overuse of internet comes from. First thing we face generally is curiosity. Usually some of us are eager to know a lot about the technology which grows every day now. And most of these people are in their 40s and 50s. The ones who doesnt have enough information and practice with the internet use; so their curiosity drives them to start surfing the internet and learning the different ways of the computer use. Such as googgling (Google), chatting online or even gaming for the elders. The next category is the development and renewal of self. Exploring the internet is actually a self-development step; learning about it makes you in hold of everything in the world now. Connected is how you feel when you go through the internet. Its everything we use around the world now; nothing can go on without it. You can find anything concerning the subject of your interest easily and with full information about it. You need to update your look, you surf the internet. Or if there is a piece of information youd to like expand your understanding about. Certain types of food youd like to cook. Everything you need youll find through the internet, and especially if its a self-development and renewal situation. Surfing the internet made it easier for people who make researches and always in need of books to help them fulfill their search. Your desired book of interest can easily be found on the internet now. You no longer need to go to a library and search through the books to find your desired information to complete a research. Now you can go online, search the name of the book, and easily find quotations for it and a full biography about it and its author. You can even find the whole book to read instead of buying from a book store. The same goes to magazines and newspapers; if you have missed a weeks newspaper edition or a magazines issue. You can simply find it online, read it all and maybe save the needed pages for your record. The internet has made it so easy for people around the world to pursue their lives and careers outside or even from inside their homes. It has made everything easily accessible and far simpler. But that doesnt mean that it is the most trusted source of informat ion of all. Technology is definitely the reason why our lives are growing rapidly, and its why the world is connected to one another. Its the only way we get better at what we do, renew ourselves and explore what is around us. But we must still be wary of the Internet as it can be addictive and that is unhealthy. Its the reason why we ignore our lives, routines, and activities. Moving away from causes, this paper will now discuss the effects of Internet addiction The first effect of the internet addiction is obviously the amount of time wasted on it. Its usually more than the normal time that should be spent online. It used excessively, and sometimes out of control. Usually its used a lot when not needed at all; like when using face book more than 8 hours a day isnt necessary but you always feel the urge of needing to use it. When its nothing beneficial in the end; same for chatting online; some people have got a purpose of using it. Maybe to stay connected to their families overseas. But some others just go online all day long for the fun of it. They make new friends, or maybe just stay online because they feel like they need to be. Our second effect would be lack of sleep; since they use the internet excessively this way they are losing the feeling of sleep. The need of it isnt as important to them anymore. The computer symbolizes a huge importance in their lives now that taking care of their health is totally ignored. Also the location of the computer is a huge aspect of why you feel the urge to use it frequently. For example if you place it in the bedroom, it causes a big percentage of lack of sleep. Since its always there in front of you and it gets to be irresistible to use. The third effect would be a low job performance and having poor grades in school. People tend to be online more frequently at work, since they are always in access with their computers. Also some of them arent as busy so they use the computer as a way of entertainment. But the majority loses their focus on doing their jobs at work because of chatting too much online while attempting to do their required assignments. Teenagers tend to ignore their studies and prefer to stay online; therefore they get poor grades in school. Neglecting social relationships and activities is our fourth effect. While were staying online, there could be an important event or gathering going on and were not even paying attention to attend it. It could be a family gathering or even a friends birthday. Those things are important for us to participate in as they create our social relationships and shape our personalities. It also shows us the quality of life in some way or another. While gathering with people and sharing activities with them you tend to build your qualities and know your strengths and weaknesses within yourself. You start to recognize the outside world and its nature. Anger is a main symptom and effect of the internet addiction. Its usually obvious when someone starts to question your time spent online and then you start getting angry. Also it appears when youre offline and tense for not being online during the day. It shows on all of your actions during the day and effects your family and friends interactions. The feeling of the need to be online all the time gets you frustrated and it applies to all your daily activities. Giving away details to strangers is the most dangerous and common problem we face through internet addiction. The more you stay online and intend to make new friends and enter new networks; the more you stop thinking of the consequences which will occur later on. Strangers you get to know online could be criminals of any kind; such as sexual harassers, thieves or even drug dealers. The last symptom and effect of internet addiction is changes in your diet and eating speed. Being online too much makes you lose your appetite to food. Sometimes its the complete opposite; the more they stay online the more eat faster and with more quantities. Its like when youre watching television; you get caught in the movie or anything youre watching and keep eating. Thats how most overweight people get fatter. They are not conscious of their action while being caught in their addictive act. Internet addiction seems as uncontrollable and hard to get over. But there are several steps we should follow as our solutions to fixing the addictive act .They are very simple and easy steps to control all our previous symptoms and effects stated above. First of all we need to admit the problem were facing and our excessive use to the internet and the computer. Knowing that you have a problem and you need to work on it gives you an inner peace. It also gives you the push to be able to pass this phase of addiction and think of ways to work it all out. Or at least keep doing what you love most but still in a healthy way. The change of the location of your computer is a must. Its one of the main solutions for the addiction; as we stated before having it in your bedroom makes it feel irresistible to using the computer. You need to locate in a place which is uncomfortable for you. This will make you only use it for the needed purpose and for a short period of time and then go to your favorite place at home. For example, the living room to watch a movie or read a book in your small library. A password for your computer is very important to be able to decrease your use of the internet. Let you spouse or a family member change the password to only something they know. And only sign you in when you need to and for a specific calculated period of time. This way you will be able to control your usage wisely. Also you could have a Timer; which will control your time of usage. So if you use the internet for more than five hours a day, then decrease it to three hours for instance by using your timer. The last solution we should actively do is getting involved in several activities such as social clubs or fitness exercises. This way youre substituting your addiction with a healthier aspect which will involve you in a more sociable environment. And this will make you gain more confidence by time and make a circle of friends the right way. To conclude, there are no obvious reasons for way people are getting addicted to the internet but there are a lot of things drives us to use the internet .internet just a tool some people use it as skipping from life struggles and the things that made some people getting addicted to the internet could be general causes as use the internet for more knowledge, searching for anything that they need and also for making friends from all over the world, and there are some things considered as mental disorder like feeling lonely, depressed or feeling stress. But there are many effects caused by the internet addiction, lose the family sense, lack of sleep and caused back pains and headache also decreasing the social relationships. but there are some solutions the person who are addicted to the internet have to admit that he is addicted and know that very well (admitting that he have a problem) and start change computer location and put it in place that you dislike it ,never put it in sleepin g rooms because you will prefer playing or chatting then sleeping . And finally the person should make a specific hour for using the internet. Human have to know that they are the creditors of the technology so they shouldnt let the machines control them because machines doesnt have brains like just if you use it smartly it wont ever effect you negatively.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Physical Anthropology: Homo Erectus
1. Introduction/General Information a. A Dutch anatomist named Eugene Dubois is responsible for the discovery of Homo erectus. b. Fossils and remains were found in 1891 on the island of Java. c. Homo erectus is an extinct hominid that lived between 1.6 million and 250,000 years ago. d. Homo erectus is thought to have evolved in Africa from another human ancestor known as Homo habilis–which happens to be the first member of the genus Homo. e. Homo erectus dispersed into Asia more than 1.3 million years ago and then into Europe about 400,000 years ago. 2. Physical Description (What did they look like?) a. Anatomically and physiologically, Homo erectus is similar to modern humans except for a slightly heavier bone structure. b. The size of its braincase is not that different from Homo sapiens, however the cranial bones are much bigger than that of either Homo habilis or modern humans. c. There was a progressive reduction in sexual dimorphism, until there was a similar ration between the two sexes. d. Proportions of the limbs to the body are much more like those of modern humans. Arms are not long and ape-like in relation to the Homo habilis. 3. Diet & Technology a. The adapted technological uses of Homo erectus was said to be significantly more complex than that of its predecessors. b. They made use of stone tools, other varieties of tools created from wood, and fire. c. Interestingly, they created and seasonally resided in oval-shaped huts. d. Homo erectus populations used these huts while also living a life that consisted of surviving based on a combination of intense hunting and the gathering of shellfish and plant foods e. With intense competition for food against large predators, in an environment subject to frequent changes, theoretically caused certain Homo erectus subsets to invent new tools etc. f. As for most hunter gatherers, their diet would have consisted of red meat, occasional shellfish, roots, leaves, nuts, berries, wild grasses, honey and bird's eggs. 4. Behaviors/Social Interactions a. Some researchers considered the social aspects of the species closer to those of modern man than the groups who came before it. b. Members of the Homo erectus species might have communicated with a sort of â€Å"pre-language†. c. Some African sites had remains that showed evidence that despite the human-like anatomy of the species; members were physically incapable of making sounds associated with modern language. 5. Conclusion a. A brief summary of the characteristics and lifestyle of the once existent Homo erectus
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Hot Sex with Stranger One Rainy Afternoon - 2282 Words
Hello guys, This is Chuck, I had written a true story of me and my maid Veena when I still lived in Bangalore. This one is about my encounter with a total stranger. Someone I did not get to ask her last name too, but had some of the most amazing time ever !! If my memory serves right this happened around a few months before I boinked Veena :) It was during the rainy season in 2008, My work then required me to travel between Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad for trainings that I used to conduct and because I moved so much, I did not buy a vehicle in Bangalore. It was a fine afternoon but as I was getting ready to leave it started raining heavy but I went downstairs anyways and stood in the parking lot of my apartment waiting for the rain to†¦show more content†¦I could see that she was liking what I had to say but sort of was pretending to know it already. She then asked for the washroom and I pointed her to one - She walked into the washroom I could hear her flush a few seconds later I heard a thud. I called out to her and asked her if everything was fine - she did not answer, 2 minutes later I went closer to the door and called out again. She opened the door and came out with a limp and told me how she had slipped and that her back was hurting. Now, dont ask me if this was for real or if she was faking it - as you are going to see - I did not complain. I put her arms over my shoulder and made her sit on my couch and put the leg she was limping with on the table. I remember brushing her boobs on me in the process. I stood up and closed the door and asked her if wanted to rest a while - she did not say a thing but kept rubbing her waist. I asked her if she wanted me to help her and she still did not say a thing. I got on my knees and pushed her slowly to her side to see if there was anything visible - I could not see a thing - I asked her if I could rub some blam massage it and she did not say a word still - I did not want to get up and get balm but I slowly lifted her salwar on her side and rubbed her slowly and kept asking her where it hurt - she was looking away from me and my hands had alreadyShow MoreRelatedCreative Writing : Essay 1981 Words  | 8 Pagesam on my back. And the sound of your voice has made me very excited. I can provide you with more details, or, better yet, you can come here and see for yourself.†â€Å"Oh my God, David, why did you say that? What are you trying to do to me?†â€Å"You’re the one who asked me if I was naked. I doubt you ask every guy that you talk to on the phone if he is buff before answering. 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Where those designations appear in this bookRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 Pagesnumerous articles in these areas, plus a text on project management. He has also conducted research with colleagues in the International Project Management Association. Cliff has been a member of the Project Management Institute since 1976 and was one of the founders of the Portland, Oregon, chapter. He was a visiting professor at Kasetsart University in Bangkok, Thailand in 2005. He was the president of Project Management International, Inc. (a training and consulting firm specializing in projectRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pagesmanagers need to recognize that a business’s incom e comes from its customers, not from Wall Street. NEW LEADERSHIP AND NEW MANAGEMENT MODELS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET THE BREADTH OF NEW CUSTOMER DEMANDS Most management leaders fully understand that the one certainty in the volcanic twenty-first-century economy is that the terrain on which their businesses will operate tomorrow will be shaped differently from the terrain of today. They recognize that the business requirement is to lead accordingly, and
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Aboriginal Reservation Land Be Compulsorily Acquired For...
Can indigenous Maori reservation land be compulsorily acquired for the purpose of public works by the Minister of Land Information? No, according to legislation to primary legislation Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 and the Public Works Act 1981 and a recent decision from the New Zealand Environment Court. In Grace .v. Minister for Land Information (2014), a New Zealand Environment Court (NZEnvC) case, the primary legal considerations regarding compulsory public works acquisitions of Maori land were brought to the fore. The following case note aims to provide legal background to the aforementioned case, determine material facts which consequently give rise to the key legal issue, the ratio of the case and provide criticisms on its legal value. The underlying theme of preservation of Maori ancestral rights for the ongoing use and education of future generations is a profound one. Thus, the question arises, not whether the case has any prospective legal significance but to what extent. The Public Works Act 1981 is the pre-eminent legislation. As at s2, public works are defined as any Government work undertaken to construct, manage or maintain land for public use (). The Act aims to protect all land from acquisition – be it general or Maori – from acquisition unless circumstances and a lack of alternatives necessitate it. This test is called â€Å"the essential works test†which was repealed in the Public Works Amendment Act 1987. As a result, Maori land is no longer discriminatedShow MoreRelatedLand Law Procedures in Kenya16833 Words  | 68 PagesYEAR 1ST SEMESTER BACHELOR OF LAWS JANUARY- APRIL 2013 COURSE TITLE: LAND LAW 1 COURSE CODE: CLS 300 BY: WILSON MAROTSE MULEI LLM (London), LLB (Moi), Dip. Law (KSL) Attorney at Law, EAC COURSE OUTLINE INTRODUCTION Land law is split into two separate but related units. Land Law 1 and Land Law II. Land Law I deals with foundations of property law and Land Law II deals with Proprietary Rights and transactions. Land Law I is devoted to the teaching of and familiarizing the student with
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