Monday, December 23, 2019
The Problem of Evil Essay examples - 957 Words
The Problem of Evil A) For what reasons may suffering create philosophical problems for a religious believer? (10) B) Outline two solutions to these problems and comment on their success (10) A) The problem of suffering has been around since the dawn of time, or as religious philosophers believe; since Adam and Eve first sinned in the Garden of Eden. The first problem that arises from evil is that we believe that the God of classical theism has certain attributes. These are that:  · God is all powerful (Omnipotence)  · God is all loving (Omnibenevolence)  · God is all knowing (Omniscience)  · God creates ex-nilho (out of nothing)  · God is infinite The last point is†¦show more content†¦Moral evil includes things that happen like murder and the holocaust that occurred whilst the Nazi’s were in charge of Germany. The types of natural evil that occur include things such as Floods, Earthquakes and the Tsunami that occurred recently. These problems of moral and natural evil, they contradict the God of classical theism again because if God was all of the things it is said that he is then surely he would not create people such as Adolf Hitler who was responsible for so many deaths. God would also not allow such things to happen in the world like natural evil, once again this questions the attribute of God that says that God is all powerful, the question that arises from this is that; Does God posses the power to actually stop natural evil from happening? There have been philosophers such as Hume, who came up with the inconsistent triad. It still has two attributes of the God of classical theism, however it has remo ved the attribute that says that God is all knowing and replaced it with evil exists. The explanation that Hume gave for this is that you can not have all three attributes together, he said that God must not know how to stop evil and suffering or because if he did then he would have stopped it already. It could be said that the level of suffering that somebody endures could make a difference for the problem ofShow MoreRelatedEvil : The Problem Of Evil720 Words  | 3 Pagesin a world where evil exists, it is logically impossible and that is what created the problem of evil. Problem of Evil: There are two sides of the problem of evil which are the logical and evidential arguments. The logical side states that as long as evil and suffering exists in this world there is no God. That does not only contradict with the idea of God being â€Å"all-good†, but also him being â€Å"all-knowing†and â€Å"all-powerful†as well. Because, if God only desires good, then how evil was formed unlessRead MoreThe Problem of Evil1648 Words  | 7 PagesThe problem of evil is the notion that, how can an all-good, all-powerful, all-loving God exists when evil seems to exist also. The problem of evil also gives way to the notion that if hell exists then God must be evil for sending anyone there. I believe both of these ideas that God can exist while there is evil and God is not evil for sending anyone to hell. I believe hell exists in light of the idea that God is holy and just. The larger is how anyone can go to heaven. I will try to answer the problemRead MoreProble m With The Problem Of Evil2026 Words  | 9 PagesThe Problem with the Problem of Evil I am arguing that the Logical Problem of Evil (LPE) is not a successful argument to reject the existence of God. This is due to the LPE arguing with an inaccurate definition for the word â€Å"good†. With the correct definition of â€Å"good,†I will show that an all-good and all-powerful God can logically exist simultaneously with evil. A response for my objection could be the Furthermore, if we allow the inadequate use of the word â€Å"evil†, the LPE still does not constituteRead MoreProblem of Evil1614 Words  | 7 PagesThe Problem Of Evil There are many events throughout the world that occur, that we cannot explain. The evils that exist are moral and non-moral evils. The moral evils that exist are poverty, oppression, persecution, war and injustice. The non-moral evils that occur frequently but not usually on a daily basis are earthquakes, hurricanes, storms, flood, drought, and blight (philosophy. These evils happen with thousands of people dying daily for no reason. The problemRead MoreThe Problem Of Evil And Moral Evil1093 Words  | 5 Pagesare made to explain the problem of evil and why it exists in our world when God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-good. The subject of evil and why it exists is a difficult topic to find an exact answer to, especially when evil is presented in the form of nature. Natural evil and moral evil are two different types of evil that take form and cause suffering to humans. Natural evil is â€Å"events and maladies in nature that bring suffering upon mankind and nature.†Natural evil can be difficult to explainRead MoreProblem of Evil819 Words  | 3 Pagesnot bring happiness. Dojeon shows that there is inequality between heaven and earth, even though a creature’s next life is based upon its good or evil intentions in its previous life. In Buddhist belief, the â€Å"causes†are the good and evil actions that a creature commits in its life, whereas the â€Å"fruits†are the rewards and consequences of the good and evil actions that transpire later in its lifetime. Dojeon does not believe that this description is sufficient for people to believe. According to Neo-ConfucianRead More The Problem Of Evil Essay925 Words  | 4 Pages The Problem of Evil Evil exists, a plain and simple fact. The argument for the problem of evil (and suffering) proves that fact. The argument for the problem of evil states that there is a all-good, all-powerful God. It states that God being all-good means that he only wants good to exist. But, look at all the bad and evil in the world. A total contradiction of a all-good God. God being all- powerful means that he can make whatever he wants. So, if God can make whatever he wants then why did heRead MoreThe Problem of Evil in Philosophy1684 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿The Problem of Evil in Philosophy What is the classic problem of evil in the Western philosophical/theological tradition (the trilemma)? The problem of evil is the question of how to reconcile the existence of evil with that of a deity who is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent. The trilemma was stated by the Greek philosopher Epicurus during antiquity and was restated during the modern period by David Hume. Epicurus poses a trilemma in order to refute the notion of an omnipotent andRead MoreThe Logical Problem Of Evil1535 Words  | 7 PagesThe logical problem of evil is often referred to as the inconsistent triad, this being that the following propositions; God is omnipotent, omnibenevolent and evil exists, are inconsistent. Also known as a reduction ad absurdum argument, whereby all three propositions cannot be true together. Theists, like Swinburne, come to the conclusion that the three propositions are compatible with one another, whereas atheists, like Mackie, believe that they are incompatible and therefore God does not existRead MoreThe Problem Of Evil And Atheism1187 Words  | 5 Pagesowe to prove his thesis about the problems of evil and atheism, Rowe asks three fundamental questions. The first question, â€Å"is there an argument for atheism based on the problem of evil that could rationally justify atheism?†Supporting his question, Rowe by uses the idea of human and animal it reasonable for omnipotent, omniscient being(s) to permits its creation to suffer by extinguish each other for their own personal benefits. If there is such a thing as an omnibenevolent, omnipotent
Sunday, December 15, 2019
New technological Free Essays
Many people predicted the downfall of the IT industry a long time ago. After the technological bubble burst by 2000, their predictions saw reality with many dot com companies closing down in the face of investor uncertainty. Huge brand names like AOL eBay took a hit as well and only the strongest like Microsoft survived. We will write a custom essay sample on New technological or any similar topic only for you Order Now Many thought this was the end of technological era even though this was not the case. The IT sector had not stopped growing nor had it declined; it had just stabilized and kept growing, even if not at the same rate as it was a few years ago. With technological advancements coming in by the hour, it is only natural for new people to rise above the rest to make a name for them selves among the multitude of entrepreneurs and whiz kids of the past and present. People like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs still might be the key players in the industry, they do however are no longer the new blood that this industry almost always seems to require in order to stay on top. Google founders Larry Page Sergey Brin could arguably be the next major players after the ones that actually started the hype of the technological era. More recently however, new faces have come up. Two of these are as follows: Technology: Youtube Description: Videosharing website that allows its user to upload, view and share audio visual clips. Popularity: Close to 8 million hits per day. YouTube was founded by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim, who were all early employees of PayPal. Prior to PayPal, Hurley studied design at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Chen and Karim studied computer science together at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The domain name â€Å"†was activated on February 15, 2005, and the website was developed over the following months. The creators offered the public a preview of the site in May 2005, and six months later, YouTube made its official debut. Youtube became on of the fastest growing websites and even outpaced Myspace at this. Its business model is an advertising based revenue model where users clicking on ads are the source of revenue. This was an innovative idea and developed by the three youngsters with Chad Hurley being the Chief Executive Office and Steven Chen being the chief technology officer. Hurley, Chen and Karim got their start in the business world during the dot-com bubble and the bust that followed. Their venture money came in part through their connection to Roelof Botha, the South African former PayPal CFO. YouTube was born when the founders wanted to share some videos from a dinner party with friends in San Francisco. Sending the clips around by e-mail was not possible because they kept bouncing for being too big. Posting videos online wasn’t feasible either as no website allowed it. In 11 months the site became one of the most popular on the Internet because the founders designed it so people can post almost anything they like on YouTube in minutes. Steve Chen grew up in Taiwan until the age of 15, when his family immigrated to the United States. He attended high school at John Hersey High School as well as the Illinois Math and Science Academy and college from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In June 2006, Chen was named by Business 2.0 as one of the â€Å"The 50 people who matter now†in business. Hence the person to look out for would be Steve Chen. Karim had a lesser role as he developed the website but was an advisor by the end. Their dreams were realized when Google bought Youtube for a whooping $1.6 Billion and made them the modern entrepreneurs of today. Technology: Fecebook Description: English social networking website. Popularity: Close to 8 million hits per day. The site was founded as Thefacebook in February 2004 by college sophomore Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard University with technical support from Andrew McCollum and financial support from Eduardo Saverin. The site was founded as Thefacebook in February 2004 by college sophomore Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard University with technical support from Andrew McCollum and financial support from Eduardo Saverin. Zuckenberg was not a new player in the field however. In 2003, Zuckerberg and friend Adam D’Angelo launched the Synapse Media Player. The player received high acclaim in its ability to predict songs to play based on the user’s previous selections. Several software companies, including Microsoft, expressed interest in the player, though no formal deal was made. This is similar to the way Bill Gates was in his younger years; attaining acclaim as an avid programmer and being noticed by firms like IBM. Hence, it can be safely said that people like Steve Chen and Mark Zuckerberg are the modern day equivalent of Bill Gates and Steve jobs. They might not be as exceptional nor are their innovations as far reaching as Windows or iPod, they still are the current knights of the technological era and have done what their predecessors did before them; create something exceptionally unique with the ability to influence people internationally. References: Grossman, L. (2006). Time: Best Inventions, 2006. Retreived, March 22, 2007 from, Grynbaum M. (2004). Mark E. Zuckerberg ’06: The whiz behind Retreived, March 22, 2007 from, How to cite New technological, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Social Work with Children Youth and Familiesâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Social Work With Children Youth And Families? Answer: Introduction From the 1990s, there have been numerous cases where the social workers have managed to respond to the referrals of children, youth and their families to the Children's Social Care departments. This has helped in screening out the families and also enable child protection assessment so as to make them lead a better and healthy life in the future. The assessment framework would help in screening the risks and also the causes of such kinds of risks and make an assessment of the children who were in need. The social work assessment of a family situation would help in shifting to the preventive strategies as well that are related to the child welfare interventions. The social work assessment of needs is carried out under the Children Act 1989 so as to make an assessment of the risks and also determine the causes for which the children could become intrusive and oppressive (Achenbach Rescorla, 2013). This would further allow for the development of effective intervention strategies that w ould need proper assessment before the services would be offered. From the case study, it could be understood that Linda was separated from her husband, as a result of which she suffered from anxiety and depression and also became reactive to behavioral problems in her children. She had often responded in an angry tone and also failed to take care of her children in a proper manner. Her children named Jason and Cindy also had been suffering from disruptive behavior and Jason had been diagnosed with ADHD while Cindy had learning disabilities which prevented her to go through her lessons properly (Ansell, 2016). A cognitive assessment repot was also presented that showed that both the children had been suffering from learning deficits. As a social worker, I have contacted Linda over phone and also an appointment has been arranged for her and her children so as cope up with the situation and furthermore allow to make sure that Linda overcome this situation and take care of her children well. Overview or HYPOTHESIS There have been behavioral issues with Jason and Cindy and these can be a result of ineffective parenting of Linda Assessment (practice approaches) The social work or family centered Management would also help to understand how the strengths, needs and resources of a family could affect the safety and health of a child. The social work assessment must be based on strengths and would also be culturally sensitive that would help in developing good relationships between the family members too. The strengths would further help in finding out how the family could make changes and ensure proper health and well being of their children with ease and effectiveness. The strengths perspective could be applied to the problem based assessment for the purpose of enhancing resilience within the family and also make sure that the mother of the two children is taken care of at first (Cabrera Tamis-LeMonda, 2013). Linda was suffering from anxiety disorder as a result of which she was treated by medication from the general practitioner. She often had shown aggressive behavior to her children and also found it difficult to remain consistent with t he consequences. There had been situations when she removed the games but not that much extreme like removing games for an entire week. She also suffered from depression due to the separation from her husband George and had been feeling down to take care of her children alone. The social work assessment here would help the general practitioner and the client to develop a strong bond and gather necessary information to understand how the client had been feeling. The assessment could also give a proper information about the problems faced by client and furthermore develop plans for intervention and evaluate the progress too (Coady Lehmann, 2016). The social workers would carry out direct counseling of patients and also the families which are considered as a broader set f their roles and responsibilities. The role of Social workers is also to serve as a link between different health and social care organizations so as to assist patients and collaborate with other health professionals to ensure patient wellness. The Social workers also could address legal issues, and also assist with hearings and provide testimony related to their patients (Gray Webb, 2012). Engagement plan According to the functional family therapy as suggested by Alexender and Robbins, (2011) it is prescribed for young people who are between the age of 10 and 18 and who display anti-social behavior. In this case it has been seen that Jason was put into detention for disruptive behavior in class. Further, it has also been noted that Cindy has been getting emotional outbursts and has been getting angry. These are indicative of anti-social behavior and therefore the family functional therapy can be beneficial for them. The engagement plan is based on the level of parental compliance with the social work expectations that is needed for the process of social work assessment. If the parental involvement is essential for gaining success, then the assessment is also needed for maintaining a good connection between the social worker and client and easily identify the problems the client has been facing, just like the case of Linda here. The parental behaviors are needed to be changed for prope r social work involvement and also for ensuring that the children within the families are not subjected to any sort of bad behavior or attitude. The Provincial Project Committee has also enhanced the Positive Worker Interventions with Children and their Families in Protection Services so as to make sure that the children are not harmed from their families and they are properly taken care of so that they can live a healthy life in the future (Hepworth et al, 2016). As Linda does not have much contact with her husband she might not take the help of him though she might ask him for help and also allow him to make a decision about how their children can be shown the right way of leading in life. The parents must consult with a social worker so as to identify the risks which might create problems for the children and also maintain good work ethics by treating the patients properly and make sure that her children are also taken care of in a proper manner (Holloway et al, 2010). As also illustrated by Goldenberg and Goldenberg (2012) engagement via early intervention strategies has also become important for dealing with the risks and also enhance the scopes and opportunities for child development through maximization of protective factors and processes. This would not only make Linda overcome from her sorrow and sadness but would also allowed her to identify any issues faced by her children and ensure that they are not shown any aggressive behavior which might create a negative mindset among their minds (Sullivan et al, 2010). Engagement plan would also include spending maximum time with the children and learn about their needs and requirements and also fulfill those needs so that they could learn properly at school and also overcome from their learning disability. The accessibility to the social care services should be open for single parents so that they could consult us and ensure how they could take proper care of themselves and also their children at th e same time (Honwana, 2012). Intervention Plan Family assessment is considered as an essential part of the early intervention plan. The refocusing debate is one of the most effective intervention strategies which have enabled the social workers to work with the families. There had been various cases before the Labour Government which showed that the influence of family and other personal family problems like anxiety, depression and offensive behavior of parents could lead to increased risks of problematic childhood behavioral problems and poor parenting, just as the case study where both the children of Linda were suffering from learning disorder and also the elder one named Jason had been suspended from school due to disruptive behavior (Lerner Simon, 2014). The child welfare policy has been developed for the purpose of increasing the scopes and opportunities for providing the targeted services to families where poor parenting has been identified. This has been aimed to reduce the risk of bad behavior among children and also decrease the adverse life choices that they might take at adulthood. TheEarly intervention plan would also allow Linda to become a Good parent who would nourish her kids properly by forgetting about what she had lost and rather focus on how her children could be successful in the future. Early intervention also would need Smart investment, massive savings, the second independent report to her majesty's government. And this policy or program has helped in aiming at the supporting and working in partnership with families on a multi level manner (O'Keeffe Clarke-Pearson, 2011). This would also build string communities and allow the individuals living within the society to support the single mother and also take care of her children by letting them learn about how to make good choices as well rather than learning about the kind of behavior that their mother had been addressing. As a health care practitioner, I would also like to work in the health care setting so as to address the problem resolution and determine the strengths orientation. Proper diagnosis would help in labeling the issue and would also be incongruent with the strengths perspective, thereby would allow the client to take the services properly. The RIDGES model has also been used here for handling the issues and deliver proper treatment to the client as well (Palisano et al, 2010). RIDGES Model Rules: set ground rules Identify issues we would like to change Decide on what to work on first Goals : what do we want to achieve? Explore the issues in more detail Strategies /activities: work out ways of achieving goals According to the case study, Jason was suspended for disruptive behavior in class. He also had learning difficulties and also had been diagnosed with ADHD, due to which he had been medicated under the care of a pediatrician. Jason had also showed his dis-concern regarding medication and also complained that it made him more sick (Stanton-Salazar, 2011). Cindy the younger child of Linda on the other hand was quite cooperative with her teachers at school though she seemed sad and also had emotional outbursts of crying and even getting angry sometimes. Thus both the children had been suffering from learning deficit as a result of which they need immediate treatment and also Linda must overcome from her depression and anxiety to take care of her children as soon as possible (Park, 2011). The social workers personal values and experiences, professional values and ethics While working as a social worker within a health and social care agency, I called Linda and we discussed about the various problems related to her mental health. It is the duty of the social worker to assist the client in the right direction and also make her overcome from her stress and anxiety. The personal values of a social work would help to focus on the needs and requirements of clients at first and then with their vast amount of skills and experience treat the patient with utmost care and respect (Bender, 2010). The professional ethics mean focusing on the preferences of clients at first and also maintain the confidentiality of their details and information regarding their issue of health problem. As Linda is separated, the confidentiality of information is essential so as to make sure that the information about her does not fall in wrong hands who might take advantage of that situation anyhow. The professional values are not personal to the individual, rather those are formal guides which can allow the social workers to adhere to the aim and objective of developing a professional culture which would result in improving the practice of drawing boundaries (Ungar, 2011). Within the codes of ethics, all these professional values and principles could enable the social worker, i.e., me to practice in a manner that would safeguard Linda and her childrens rights to privacy, self-determination and also would be treated with dignity and respect. The British Association for Social Workers (BASW) code of ethics comprises of five core basic values to which social workers must be committed. All these ethics are human dignity and worth, social justice, service to humanity, integrity and competence (Bott Spillius, 2014). The code of ethics also consists of various kinds of professional values that can guide the social work practice and detail the standards of conduct practitioners and meet the satisfactory standards of the agency too. The professional codes and ethics would also allow the social worker to be held accountable for the quality of their work and how Linda had been treated so that she and her children could lead a healthy life in the future without any disability or illness. I would also maintain privacy of the patient by keeping the details of treatment and information about the client and her children confidential too (Stratton, 2005). Social work theories and models There are various social work theories that have been supported by evidence obtained through the scientific methods and techniques. The theory of social work could also explain the behavior of human beings and determine how the human beings could interact or respond to the stimuli. The models are essential for providing the social workers with a blueprint of how to help others based on the underlying social work theory. The social work theory could explain why something happens, while the model shows how the theory could be utilized to manage changes or improvements of behavior among the clients (Ansell, 2016). The systems theory could describe the behavior of human beings based on the complex systems. It also includes the idea about an effective system based on individual needs, rewards, expectations, and attributes of the people who needed the treatment like here Linda and her children (Fallon et al, 2010). According to the theory, families, couples, and organization members are directly involved in resolving a problem even if it is an individual issue. Social learning theorycould enable learning through various observations and imitations. There would be reinforcement of new behavior rather than hearing new theories and concepts. This would also strengthen the learning process of Jason and Cindy and allow then to overcome from their learning disability too. The Psychosocial development theoryconsists of eight different stages where the ways of psychosocial development are determined. The client and her children must pass through all the stages of the development over the life cycle inclu ding the hope, will, purpose, competence, fidelity, love, care, and wisdom (Coady et al, 2016). All these stages are divided into various age ranges from infancy to older individuals. The Cognitive behavioral therapyis focused with the development of relationship between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of the individual. The Social workers are responsible for assisting the clients in identifying patterns of irrational and self-destructive thoughts and behaviors that could influence their emotions. The Crisis intervention modelis utilized to assess the safety, develop relationships, identification of problem , address feelings, generate alternatives and finally develop an action plan. All these theories could help in dealing with the issues faced by Linda and her children and also ensure appropriate Social work with children, youth and families (Hepworth et al, 2016). Conclusion The topic is concerned with the social work with children, youth and families. The report included the various concepts of social work assessment of a family situation and also a proper plan had been prepared for the purpose of engagement and intervention with the use of appropriate frameworks. The personal values and professional ethics had been maintained for representing a good work culture where the client would get proper treatment. Various social theories and models including the Cognitive behavioral therapy, Psychosocial development theory, social learning theory, etc. had also been included here for drawing a good conclusion in the end (Honwana, 2012). References Achenbach, T., Rescorla, L. (2013). Achenbach system of empirically based assessment. 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