Saturday, November 30, 2019
Sunset on the Sea Essay Example For Students
Sunset on the Sea Essay The Sun begins to set slowly. The Orange red blob rolls down the sky. The waves break gently into white foam on the black beach. The small crystals in the sand sparkle and glow brilliantly orange, with the sunrays. The soft sand cushions the feet. The Now red sun is cut in half by the gentle sea. The beams redden the coconut trees, which sway gently in the wind. The seagulls ride with the wind, dipping in and out Of The Sea in search of food. The sailboats bob like toys on the water. The sun finally sets and darkness creeps up like a thief.The creatures of the night awaken. We will write a custom essay on Sunset on the Sea specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Small rats dash quickly in and out of the shrubbery. Fire red clouds roll over the darkening sky. Lightning rips through air and brightens the earth for a second, and then blinks out of existence. A deafening and ear-splitting thunder crashes and booms, then all is quiet. The winds stop, the waves stop, all creatures cease. The sky now goes pitch black. There is no more light from the setting sun. Then comes the rain in driving and slanting sheets.
Monday, November 25, 2019
buy custom Leadership in the 21st Century essay
buy custom Leadership in the 21st Century essay The traditional leadership style where power flows from top to bottom no longer works in most parts of the world. Consequently, any person who wants to succeed as a leader in the 21st century must adopt modern leadership styles and traits. The 21st c leader possesses a strong acumen, not only for human relations, but also business. Leadership, defined as the process by which a person influences an organized group with a view to accomplishing a predetermined goal, requires one to possess a particular set of requisite skills and knowledge in order to be competent in todays business arena. In the business world, the leaders influence is evaluated through his/her proven consideration of that particular organizations stakeholders and the larger society as well. The 21st century leadership model combines leadership, the human factor and professionalism in a single package. Todays employees possess a strong sense of entrepreneurial spirit, making them more receptive to influence than to power. The 21st century leader must wield a great deal of influence. This has the effect of inspiring people so that they can clear their doubts and be able to follow the lead. Influence also helps a leader to connect well with other people, thereby shaping the way they view their work, workplace as well as the world. The art of influence enables the leader not only to get people do things in his own way, but also make them view things his way. As a 21st century leader, one should possess innovative abilities, ability to execute and be an exemplary role model for his staff. Moreover, to succeed in todays business environment, a new leadership style that has a unique set of relevant skills has to be adopted. The person thatacquires and applies these skills has been dubbed the enlightened warrior. He/she identifies opportunities ahead of the competition and is very receptive to new information. Todays leader is willing to attack, that is, to go against competition and weaknesses, both in himself/herself and the organization. This leader, therefore, shows passion in continuous waging of a constructive war. Rapid changes in the world of technology call for an administrator, who has capability to think creatively. To cope with these trends, CEOs have to be ready for some stretching. They also have to be adaptable to the ever-changing business environment. They have to learn fast and adjust accordingly to make their organizations remain competitive and afloat. To be able to exercise flexibility without causing negative consequences, the 21st century leader has to understand the current situation, not necessarily the one that worked in the past. Different situations need varied treatments. The 21st century leader must have self-awareness. Leaders must look at themselves first. It is only after you understand your own self you can lead a team and later the whole organization. They need to look deeply within themselves and uproot all their negative patterns. After this, they should be able to assess their leadership strengths and weaknesses. They can then decide to exploit their areas of strength and improve on their weak areas. Similarly, they may hire people with strengths that compliment their own. Today, many CEOs unanimously agree that as a 21st century leader, one must have a profound sense of purpose, which is, through influence, supposed to be instilled in the employees. This vision defines the person you are, your concept of the future and the direction iin which you are moving. The knowledge of these characteristics paints a clear image of what the 21st century leader ought to look like. It also provides a basis upon which an individual can evaluate his leadership potential. For instance, it is clear that a leader should possess a great deal of influence to be able to inspire and guide his juniors. Personally, although not on a corporate scale, there have been instances in which I persuaded my fellow students to raise funds for helping the homeless in my home area. It was a success. I am also a visionary individual with a formidable sense of purpose; this counts for one of the vital ingredients of good leadership. The 21st c leader is that kind of a person who is self-aware. He knows who he is, has a vivid vision of where he is headed. Personally, am that kind of a person who is self-aware and from past experiences, I have demonstrated possession of vision and mission. For instance, as the chairman of my classs fundraising group, I proposed a 30% increase i n our cash receipts by the end of the subsequent year to facilitate our mission. At that time, this goal seemed unattainable to many members but, based on my evaluation, I could positively anticipate success. That year, we managed a 38% increase! This means that I am a person who thinks creatively, plans and executes. However, the 21st century leader should be extraordinarily receptive to new information and trends in competition. This is one area I must admit would present a huge barrier for me. This would be so because I understand it requires extensive research and experience, both of which I lack in. I am, however, a fast learner and can adapt to various environmental changes without causing negative consequences. Buy custom Leadership in the 21st Century essay
Friday, November 22, 2019
Analysis of the Use of Quantum Mechanics
Analysis of the Use of Quantum Mechanics Description of the theory There are a number of mathematically equivalent formulations of quantum mechanics. One of the oldest and most commonly used formulations is the transformation theory invented by Cambridge theoretical physicist Paul Dirac, which unifies and generalizes the two earliest formulations of quantum mechanics, matrix mechanics (invented by Werner Heisenberg) and wave mechanics (invented by Erwin Schrà ¶dinger). In this formulation, the instantaneous state of a quantum system encodes the probabilities of its measurable properties, or observables. Examples of observables include energy, position, momentum, and angular momentum. Observables can be either continuous (e.g., the position of a particle) or discrete (e.g., the energy of an electron bound to a hydrogen atom). Generally, quantum mechanics does not assign definite values to observables. Instead, it makes predictions about probability distributions; that is, the probability of obtaining each of the possible outcomes from measuring an observable. Naturally, these probabilities will depend on the quantum state at the instant of the measurement. There are, however, certain states that are associated with a definite value of a particular observable. These are known as eigenstates of the observable (eigen meaning own in German). In the everyday world, it is natural and intuitive to think of everything being in an eigenstate of every observable. Everything appears to have a definite position, a definite momentum, and a definite time of occurrence. However, Quantum Mechanics does not pinpoint the exact values for the position or momentum of a certain particle in a given space in a finite time, but, rather, it only provides a range of probabilities of where that particle might be. Therefore, it beca me necessary to use different words for a) the state of something having an uncertainty relation and b) a state that has a definite value. The latter is called the eigenstate of the property being measured. A concrete example will be useful here. Let us consider a free particle. In quantum mechanics, there is wave-particle duality so the properties of the particle can be described as a wave. Therefore, its quantum state can be represented as a wave, of arbitrary shape and extending over all of space, called a wavefunction. The position and momentum of the particle are observables. The Uncertainty Principle of quantum mechanics states that both the position and the momentum cannot simultaneously be known with infinite precision at the same time. However, we can measure just the position alone of a moving free particle creating an eigenstate of position with a wavefunction that is very large at a particular position x, and zero everywhere else. If we perform a position measurement on such a wavefunction, we will obtain the result x with 100% probability. In other words, we will know the position of the free particle. This is called an eigenstate of position. If the particle is in an eigen state of position then its momentum is completely unknown. An eigenstate of momentum, on the other hand, has the form of a plane wave. It can be shown that the wavelength is equal to h/p, where h is Plancks constant and p is the momentum of the eigenstate. If the particle is in an eigenstate of momentum then its position is completely blurred out. Usually, a system will not be in an eigenstate of whatever observable we are interested in. However, if we measure the observable, the wavefunction will immediately become an eigenstate of that observable. This process is known as wavefunction collapse. If we know the wavefunction at the instant before the measurement, we will be able to compute the probability of collapsing into each of the possible eigenstates. For example, the free particle in our previous example will usually have a wavefunction that is a wave packet centered around some mean position x0, neither an eigenstate of position nor of momentum. When we measure the position of the particle, it is impossible for us to predict with certainty the result that we will obtain. It is probable, but not certain, that it will be near x0, where the amplitude of the wavefunction is large. After we perform the measurement, obtaining some result x, the wavefunction collapses into a position eigenstate centered at x. Wave functions can change as time progresses. An equation known as the Schrà ¶dinger equation describes how wave functions change in time, a role similar to Newtons second law in classical mechanics. The Schrà ¶dinger equation, applied to our free particle, predicts that the center of a wave packet will move through space at a constant velocity, like a classical particle with no forces acting on it. However, the wave packet will also spread out as time progresses, which means that the position becomes more uncertain. This also has the effect of turning position eigenstates (which can be thought of as infinitely sharp wave packets) into broadened wave packets that are no longer position eigenstates. Some wave functions produce probability distributions that are constant in time. Many systems that are treated dynamically in classical mechanics are described by such static wave functions. For example, a single electron in an unexcited atom is pictured classically as a particle moving in a circular trajectory around the atomic nucleus, whereas in quantum mechanics it is described by a static, spherically symmetric wavefunction surrounding the nucleus (Note that only the lowest angular momentum states, labeled s, are spherically symmetric). The time evolution of wave functions is deterministic in the sense that, given a wavefunction at an initial time, it makes a definite prediction of what the wavefunction will be at any later time. During a measurement, the change of the wavefunction into another one is not deterministic, but rather unpredictable. The probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics thus stems from the act of measurement. This is one of the most difficult aspects of quantum systems to understand. It was the central topic in the famous Bohr-Einstein debates, in which the two scientists attempted to clarify these fundamental principles by way of thought experiments. In the decades after the formulation of quantum mechanics, the question of what constitutes a measurement has been extensively studied. Interpretations of quantum mechanics have been formulated to do away with the concept of wavefunction collapse; see, for example, the relative state interpretation. The basic idea is that when a quantum system interacts with a measuring apparatus, their respective wavefunctions become entangled, so that the original quantum system ceases to exist as an independent entity. Quantum mechanical effects As mentioned in the introduction, there are several classes of phenomena that appear under quantum mechanics which have no analogue in classical physics. These are sometimes referred to as quantum effects. The first type of quantum effect is the quantization of certain physical quantities. Quantization first arose in the mathematical formulae of Max Planck in 1900 as discussed in the introduction. Max Planck was analyzing how the radiation emitted from a body was related to its temperature, in other words, he was analyzing the energy of a wave. The energy of a wave could not be infinite, so Planck used the property of the wave we designate as the frequency to define energy. Max Planck discovered a constant that when multiplied by the frequency of any wave gives the energy of the wave. This constant is referred to by the letter h in mathematical formulae. It is a cornerstone of physics. By measuring the energy in a discrete non-continuous portion of the wave, the wave took on the appearance of chunks or packets of energy. These chunks of energy resembled particles. So energy is said to be quantized because it only comes in discrete chunks instead of a continuous range of energies. In the example we have given, of a free particle in empty space, both the position and the momentum are continuous observables. However, if we restrict the particle to a region of space (the so-called particle in a box problem), the momentum observable will become discrete; it will only take on the values , where L is the length of the box, h is Plancks constant, and n is an arbitrary nonnegative integer number. Such observables are said to be quantized, and they play an important role in many physical systems. Examples of quantized observables include angular momentum, the total energy of a bound system, and the energy contained in an electromagnetic waveof a given frequency. Another quantum effect is the uncertainty principle, which is the phenomenon that consecutive measurements of two or more observables may possess a fundamental limitation on accuracy. In our free particle example, it turns out that it is impossible to find a wavefunction that is an eigenstate of both position and momentum. This implies that position and momentum can never be simultaneously measured with arbitrary precision, even in principle: as the precision of the position measurement improves, the maximum precision of the momentum measurement decreases, and vice versa. Those variables for which it holds (e.g., momentum and position, or energy and time) are canonically conjugate variables in classical physics. Another quantum effect is the wave-particle duality. It has been shown that, under certain experimental conditions, microscopic objects like atoms or electrons exhibit particle-like behavior, such as scattering. (Particle-like in the sense of an object that can be localized to a particular region of space.) Under other conditions, the same type of objects exhibit wave-like behavior, such as interference. We can observe only one type of property at a time, never both at the same time. Another quantum effect is quantum entanglement. In some cases, the wave function of a system composed of many particles cannot be separated into independent wave functions, one for each particle. In that case, the particles are said to be entangled. If quantum mechanics is correct, entangled particles can display remarkable and counter-intuitive properties. For example, a measurement made on one particle can produce, through the collapse of the total wavefunction, an instantaneous effect on other particles with which it is entangled, even if they are far apart. (This does not conflict with special relativity because information cannot be transmitted in this way.)
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Trace Hamlet's growth throughout his major soliloquies, giving special Essay
Trace Hamlet's growth throughout his major soliloquies, giving special attention to how his decisions are influenced by conflicts with the Great Chain of Being - Essay Example The concept of the Great Chain of Being was an order in Shakespeare’s time and it’s also very much evident in his play Hamlet. With reference to Hamlet’s first soliloquy it is evident that Shakespeare believes that a woman is supposed to be loyal to her relations and to flirt or marry soon after being widowed is â€Å"unrighteous†or â€Å"wicked†. Also, she can be seen as representing the less human form, in that with the loss of her loving husband and with little she can turn to her son but she chooses to act lunatic rather than to cope with her loss. Hamlet cannot utter a word against his mother as he is bound in a chain of being according to which he cannot challenge or object to his mother. He is extremely disappointed with his mother for marrying his uncle so soon, and he repudiates his lover Ophelia in the harshest terms. His words often indicate his disgust with his mother and distrust of women in general. Ophelia is not higher to him and th at is why he is expressing his anguish to her, rather than to his mother. The concept of the Great chain plays a major role in this play, especially when Hamlet is indecisive about murdering his uncle, as Hamlet is pondering over the fact that whether he should risk position on the chain or play it safe. He thinks that if he pursues to avenge his father by murdering Claudius, he is faced with the dilemma that his act will take him to hell. Here, he fears to lose his position in the chain. But, in the other way, he is the only heir to his father and the responsibility falls on him. Furthermore, his father’s spirit has ordered him to take revenge, which he cannot deny as he is bound in the chain of being subordinate to his father. The most important of his soliloquies named as â€Å"to be or not to be†is the best example and explanation for the great chain of being. Here, Hamlet ponders whether it is nobler to stay alive and avenge his
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The issues of politics and administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The issues of politics and administration - Essay Example This paper will look into the issues of politics and administration. It will also discuss the possibility of separating politics from administration. Holding or having an opinion about such a view is very critical. It is, however, very easy to agree with all those who do not think that Wilson was right. The involvement of politics in the administration process is an everyday occurrence (Naidu, 2005). It has been there ever since the beginning, and it is here to stay. To try and stop the involvement of a higher, organized group of elite people who are out to benefit themselves is a very hard task. It is hard to hide the fact that these two are linked. It is very unlikely for any administration to make a decision without there being any outside influence. That mainly comes from the politics side of that administration. It is fair to say or point out that the dichotomy displayed by Wilson in today’s world is not applicable. The distinction is neither workable nor is it practical. Take, for example, a public school. A public school that gets its funding from the local government is usually very easy to fall prey to the involvement of politics. As the school administration wants to implement their policies, local politics comes into play. It is very easy for them to get side-lined. They get other policies to implement while being given ultimatums if they do not do as they are required (Sapru, 2006). Some of the advantages of this dichotomy would be the fact that, some policies that these administrations are forced to adopt may end up helping people. This is in line with the fact that incentives are always factors that are used to control these administrations, and the people around them. Another advantage would be the rise of more powerful individuals that may be able to run the administration. The recognition that politics gives to individuals is very appealing to many, and the fact that a politician is willing to spend time in the local areas would
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Trafficking Of African Women and Girls Essay Example for Free
Trafficking Of African Women and Girls Essay Part 1: Problem: Human trafficking tarnishes the global scene today, as slavery used to decades ago. The women and girls are vulnerable to exploitation within the country as well as out of the country. The trafficking of women and girls for prostitution is a big business. The horrific experiences of migrant women and girls, who have very little choice or control over their lives is a sad tale. Women are made to work in extremely exploitive conditions of sexual exploitation, forced to risky practices, high levels of exposure to HIV, threat, violence and even murder. The trafficking of women is th third largest profit making business which runs in the form of organized crime. It is just little behind the practices in the field of drug deals and arms deals. Human trafficking denotes business with human souls and spirit, which is inhuman. Africa needs to establish stronger laws against trafficking of women and girls, supported by Commonwealth, Amnesty International, Human Rights and other world forums. International Law under the rules defined by human rights with the support of United Nations, needs to play a very proactive role in safeguarding and protecting the victims who have been subjected to trafficking. The doctrine of International law needs to be more defined to help and support individual within the state rather than the protection of the state alone. In the past â€Å"International Law was notorious for the ease with which it sanctioned violence against non-western people†(Bal Krishnan Rajagopal, 2003.p.11) in the colonial set-up. The advocates of International Law should avoid the previous path of resistance to interfere in the issues related to domestic events and violence. Rather it should actively get involved to address such issues and help the government and the local bodies take effective steps to control such problem. The law enforcement authorities need to put together an effective plan to ensure safety and forced exploitation. The cross border laws need to get tighter so that loopholes may not be wrongfully used by people to migrate across borders illegally for better prospects and then being exploited to prostitution and forced labor. The universal definition of trafficking as formulated by Human Rights can be briefed in this summary and statement. It defines trafficking in persons as the employment, carrying, transfer, possession or delivery of persons, by the use of intimidation or compulsion in which some kind of kidnapping, cheating, deceit, oppression and exploitation is used. It further states that any exchange (giving or receiving) of expenses in the form of payment or profit to induce a person to give consent in the situation when a person is having control over the other person, for the deceptive purpose of exploitation ( even if the person has given consent) comes under the practice of trafficking. Exploitation has been further expanded to define exploitation for the purpose of prostitution which means sexual exploitation in various models. It also includes forced labor of services, slavery or practices similar to slavery in some form of servitude. This definition has been formulated as the draft of the international definition of trafficking so that there is universal understanding with clear guidelines which can help identify the problem of trafficking in different regions and different communities. This can help prevent, stop and punish the trafficking persons especially women and children, supplementing the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime. (Raymond and Hughes, 2001) The international recognition of a common definition would help come to uniform legal action taken against the perpetrators so that effective law and enforcement can be executed. Some of the key questions which have been addressed are who are trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation whether it is across borders or within countries, with or without their consent, through force, fraud, deception or abuse of the victim who is vulnerable. Human trafficking is what leads to prostitution, so any measures taken to make anti-trafficking policies should take into consideration the issue of organized prostitution and domestic trafficking. Human Rights legislation against trafficking must apply to the international as well as domestic women across the platform. (Raymond and Hughes, 2001) Human trafficking is one of the most inhuman and harsh crimes which give rise to innumerable victims, mostly young women and girls, who are forced into prostitution or forced labor. They have to live their everyday life under threat, violence and captivity with no hope and no direction as to where there life will lead. This is a life worst than an animal. Most of the exploiters are men or sometimes women who have been through such abuse themselves. Mostly this results from a rosy dream to have a better life, a financial burden, acute poverty and abuse. Human trafficking is mostly an underground activity involved in providing sexual services to legitimate clubs, brothels and agencies. The most unique aspect of this type of trade is that in this case a human body is traded instead of commodity. (2006) Part 2 International Law:Migration It is very urgent to recognize that women rights should be applied universally to grant women equality, security, liberty, integrity and dignity like all other deserving human beings. These rights and principles are enshrined in international instruments, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1993). This resolution will strengthen the process to address that violence against women is an obstacle in achieving equality, development and peace, so serious strategies need to be implemented to fight violence and abuse and exploitation against women. Most of the women who entered United States came on tourist visas and overstayed their visas. Sometimes they would use fraudulent travel documents. Some of the legal means by which they entered United States were on spousal visas, student visa, and work permit and on rare occasion with an immigration green card. These variety of different ways in which a person can enter another country, are major loopholes which are used by the traffickers to be successful in their mission. It requires more strict check on the part of the law enforcement and immigration officials. The success of the trafficker is often supported by the network of the local legitimate businesses such as hotels, bars, travel agencies which flourish as the result pf cooperation and corruption of the immigration and law enforcement agents worldwide (Raymond and Hughes, 2001). Trafficking flourishes for the major part because the victims want to migrate to a particular country other than their own for innumerable reasons. This requires cooperation and great deal of border crossing from one country to another. It is greatly affected by the demand and the supply, as determined by the current wave. The demand and the supply aspect of human commodity has not always been the same. Over last twenty years four waves have been seen to influence the migrants heading to Europe. The first wave was characterized by women from Far East, especially from the Philippines and Thailand, this was immediately followed by the second wave of women originating from Latin America, the Dominican Republic and Colombia, the third wave consisted of women from Africa, and in particular Ghana and Nigeria followed in nineties by women from Ukraine and Moldova. (2006). Most of the trafficking groups have networks which are of a multinational and multi-ethnical nature; this makes the cross-border operation an easy route for vast majority of trafficking cases. Most of the people who are involved in this discreet business and perpetrate trafficking are restricted to the confines of the geographical boundaries of the country or the countries where the victims are recruited, the countries where they are transported and finally the countries where they are ultimately and eventually exploited. Very few traffickers have moved up to the level of international scale of operation and network, where they recruit and transport to different countries. Some of the names which crop up significantly in this field are the Albanian traffickers, the Nigerian traffickers and the Turkish traffickers (2006) The general studies in organized crime reveal that women are not very involved in the crime activities, but in the world of human trafficking which is dominated by male, women play the roles of the accomplices in three different ways: they are the recruiters, sometimes former victim becomes offenders and in case of Nigerian groups: women play very important role in trafficking as a culturally embedded involvement. The strategy used by the trafficking organizations is to deploy women as the recruiter to help them get the first initial contact, which can further be manipulated to overcome the initial suspicion of the victim. Thus women play the safe role to entice, comfort and then exploit the other women. Several reports mention that women are used as a trap by showing off their wealth and social status, to get the younger women to aspire and aim for the same glitter and shine, leading to the path of darkness and dungeon. In Nigeria these women perpetrators play a very important role and are referred to as Madame. These Madame’s are former victims and they work as intermediary between the prostitutes and the traffickers. Nigeria plays a very significant role in the organized trafficking specially in the European countries. The study done by the Nigerian Ploice Force and the Women Trafficking and Child Labor Eradication Foundation (WOTCLEF) has come up with the estimate that the number of women who are trafficked out of the country shows sharp increase in the numbers from 1126 in 1999 to 5000 in the year 2001. Nigerian women constitute to about 80% of the workers in the sex industry of Italy. Some of the other European countries which are common destinations for these women are Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Austria and the United Kingdom. The destinations vary in their acceptance and legal privileges. Italy is the only European country where majority of legally resident Nigerians are women. (2006). There is a clear connection between the trafficking and its roots in Nigeria, this is directly related to high level of corruption in both public and private sectors. The trafficking is a self propelling vicious cycle, which moves on from victims becoming trafficker. It always begins with a pact, which keeps on increasing with penalties and punishments, and the best option to clear the debt is to continue to work for freedom and eventually become a Madame. In Nigeria traffickers do not always have to recruit victims; many times victims come to them. It is a very open trafficking market, where many times girls are put under pressure by the family to get involved with trafficking. . â€Å"In Nigeria the ‘classy lady’ is called the Italo: women who return to Nigeria after a couple of years of prostitution in Italy†. (2006). International Law needs to play a dynamic role in the internal momentum to curb corruption and support international institutions to take active role in creating awareness and safeguarding the rights of its women and girls. There are several push and pull factor of economic, political and social nature which encourages the victim, to fall prey to the trafficker. The victims are vulnerable and dependent on the trafficker for they are involved in a business which is illegal and ill-reputed. It is a very complex regulation issue for the law enforcement authorities to control and regulate the complex nature of human trafficking. The migrant women and girls have very limited choice or control over their lives. In this new era of globalization, these women and girls are the new slaves of the contemporary era. The attractiveness of this industry on the international level as an organized crime network is estimated at $7 billion USD. The monetary return keeps the practice alive and creeping at a very high rate. A trafficker can buy a girl in China for $20/- to $30/- USD and can sell her in San Francisco for $3000/- USD. Monzini, Paola (2005). Human trafficking, the modern euphemism for slavery, is a major problem in Africa. The trafficking in women and girls is now considered the third largest source of profit for organized crime, behind only drugs and arms. This situation has resulted in a very high number of women who are forced to compete for work in the conditions of excessive social exploitation and are forced to risky practices which ultimately leads to very high levels of HIV, brutality and slaughter. The practices which are considered standard in this kind of marketplace are often very harsh and extremely brutal. It is like slow, dark and dreadful death of the body and the soul (Mon zini, Paola (2005). The term declaration of â€Å"violence against women†implies any act of gender based violence which causes or is likely to cause any kind of physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to the women. These acts are very well defined as acts of intimidation and force or illogical withdrawal of the freedom in the public or the private life. Women like men are allowed to have pleasure and gratification just like men. They also need the security of all human rights and fundamental freedoms which are considered necessary for good living. They need for their growth and development freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field. They need the sanction of the same rights as the right to life, equality, liberty and security as an individual. They also need the right of equal protection under the law, freedom from all forms of discrimination, the right to seek the best physical and mental health, right to work in just and humane conditions. They specially need the right to be protected against torture or cruelty, where inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment is practiced. The state has the responsibility to attack such practices of violence against women and should restrict any such customs, traditions and religious practices which enforce such inhuman practices. State should immediately and forcefully intervene in curbing any such practices by introducing a sound policy which enacts without delay to eliminate violence against women. The different branches and the specialized agencies of the United Nations within their respective fields of operation should acknowledge the recognition of the rights and principles which has been mentioned and acknowledged within the Declaration. The Declaration is like the flashlight highlighting the misery of the women and showing them the course of action which could save them from this peril. It gives the essential guidelines for awareness and self recovery (1993). Part 3 Viable Change: Poverty, social disruption and family pressures and even natural disasters sow the seeds for the practice, while armed conflict, corrupt governments and a universal demand for cheap labor help reap the crops of new victims. Africa needs to establish stronger laws against the trafficking of women and children on and from the continent as well as better child-labor laws, a former U.S. ambassador to Madagascar told members of the newly reconstituted Africa, Global Human Rights, and International Operations. One should investigation into the causes and forms of violence against women, looking at the relationship between poverty, militarization and discrimination.. Amnesty International shows how women have led campaigns against all forms of violence and have achieved dramatic changes in laws, policies and practices. This is an inhuman condition which cannot be allowed to emerge, as it tarnishes the color of human race and civilized society. There is a complex push and pull factors which determine the nature of trafficking and the vicious cycle which it creates. It is a complex mixture of circumstances and the reasons why people want to leave their country to migrate to another country with dreams of better and brighter future. Some of the key factors which push the victim to take such a drastic step can be categorized as socio-economic push factor which is a lure to amore wealthier country for escape from poverty and desire for better or wealthier lifestyle. Sometimes the decision to migrate is backed by desire to support the family financially and dream to ensure better future for the children. Some just want to have high social status with modern and emancipated lifestyle. In some societies and cultures women are not given the freedom to growth and good life. These cultural factors can push a woman to leave their woman-unfriendly atmosphere where she does not have the same chance as men to education and career. Political circumstances, turmoil and civic unrest can also be factors which may motivate a woman to take refuge to some other country where difficulty and threat to life would be less. Some of the other factors which might play a significant role in migration could be alcoholism, drug addiction, criminality, maltreatment in the social proximity of a person. These factors lead to unemployment and poverty, which leads to migration and trafficking. Some of the pull factors are opportunities for better life and future, with employment and lack of poverty. The prospect of brighter and wealthier lifestyle in the west is a great lure. The demand for prostitutes and the demand for services, in wide variety of areas can be a temptation for taking the step to leave the security of the country to migrate in another country. (2006). A very serious concern for national and international institutions should be the health effects of sex trafficking and prostitution. The investigation in medical and social sciences indicate rates of high incidence of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in certain populations of women in prostitution. The physical and emotional effects and aftereffects of trafficking and prostitution on women is also a great concern for health care providers and social service providers. A considerable number of women suffer from various health problems related to violence and sexual exploitation. The nature of their injuries is similar to those of women who are battered, raped and sexually assaulted. Their situation is grim and their plight is miserable. The fundamental source of trafficking is the lack of awareness, insufficient support, lack of education, vulnerability of women as a gender. On an international scene explosion of organized crime and easy access to transportation of â€Å"Humans: women and girls†across border with a promise for better and brighter picture. The dependant status of this gender further encourages trapped into such practices, even without conscious will. The national consciousness’, international legal support and geographic migration laws have to join hands to bring about effective change in the depressing condition of women and girls in Africa. The human rights should play a forceful role backed by powerful countries to support in aid and legislation with severe penalties for the offenders. This is an inhuman condition which cannot be allowed to emerge, as it tarnishes the color of human race and civilized society. Countries, organization and people should unite to fight against and encounter the grim condition emerging on the African soil. One should tap into the greatest resource in Africa: Women and give them a bright and promising future. Rajgopal, offers great insight into this field with his research experience in South and Southeast Asia, South Africa and Brazil. His current investigation into four areas of research: : new democratic and legal strategies for making operational the socio-economic rights, especially rights to water, food, land, housing, and environment in India, South Africa and Brazil; the impact of globalization and decentralization on protection of human rights; the accountability of international organizations; and corporate compliance with human rights law. He helped establish first human-rights field office in Cambodia Helped establish the first human-rights field office of the United Nations in the mid-1990s and has been a consultant to several international organizations and NGOs on development-related human rights and legal issues. Member of the Asia Advisory Board of Human Rights Watch, the Executive Council of the American Society of International Law and the International Advisory Board of the Robert Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights. The idea of International Human Rights is western in origin; rather non-western societies did not have a conception of human rights. Now that the world has become so global the countries should unite to fight this war of exploitation and slavery hideously practiced by the traffickers hiding under the mask of businesses, law enforcement and predators. Jack Donnelly puts it. â€Å"human rights represent a distinctive set of social practices, tied to particular notions of human dignity, that initially arose in the modern west in response to the social and political changes produced by modern states and modern capitalist market economies†. (Bal Krishnan Rajagopal,2003, p.175) International Law should find a way to penetrate and resist the violence and torture of any kind inflicted on any woman and girl, in any country, by implementing forceful laws which issue severe penalties, restrict illegal migration and punish the organized trafficking institution. The government should protect the victim, raise their realistic awareness and provide safer domestic environment. The recognition of the rights and the penalties for the offenders can ensure the safety of these victims, who are waiting to be saved from the tyranny of physical torture, psychological degradation and social elimination. They deserve a normal human life like every other individual and they should be guaranteed this without condition. Annotated Bibliography 1. Akintunde, Dorcas Olu Labeodan Helen (2002) WOMEN AND THE CULTURE OF VIOLENCE IN TRADITIONAL AFRICA. Nigeria, Sefer Books Ltd. This is a collection of essays first presented at the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians on February 5, 2002. These papers look at a variety of issues concerned with womens rights in Africa. The authors describe the realities of equal rights policies, sex and power, cultural roots of insecurity. 2. Amnesty International (2004) ITS IN OUR HANDS: Stop Violence Against Women. United Kingdom: Amnesty International. This is an investigation into the causes and forms of violence against women, looking at the relationship between poverty, militarization and discrimination. Amnesty International shows how women have led campaigns against all forms of violence and have achieved dramatic changes in laws, policies and practices. 3. Bal Krishnan Rajagopal.( 2003) International Law from Below : Development, Social Movements and Third World Resistance. United States, Cambridge University Press. The emergence of transnational social movements as major actors in international politics as witnessed in Seattle in 1999 and elsewhere has sent shockwaves through the international system. Many questions have arisen about the legitimacy, coherence and efficiency of the international order in the light of the challenges posed by social movements. This ground-breaking book offers a fundamental critique of twentieth-century international law from the perspective of Third World social movements the first ever to do so. It examines in detail the growth of two key components of modern international law international institutions and human rights in the context of changing historical patterns of Third World resistance. Using a historical and interdisciplinary approach, Rajagopal presents compelling evidence challenging current debates on the evolution of norms and institutions, the meaning and nature of the Third World, as well as the political economy of its involvement in the international system. 4. Commonwealth Secretariat (2003) REPORT OF THE EXPERT GROUP ON STRATEGIES FOR COMBATING THE TRAFFICKING OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. United Kingdom: Commonwealth Secretariat. The trafficking in women and girls is now considered the third largest source of profit for organized crime, behind only drugs and arms. This concise report describes the political and social background to the trade across the Commonwealth and looks at prevention strategies and assistance to victims. Bib 5. Hallam, Rebecca (1994) CRIMES WITHOUT PUNISHMENT: Sexual Harassment and violence Against Female Students in Schools and Universities in Africa. United kingdom: African Rights. This is a discussion paper addressing the widespread and persistent problem of sexual harassment and violence against women and girls in educational institutions in Africa. The paper also deals with wider problems of teenage pregnancy and lack of sex education in schools, and the specific problem of rape by forces of the state, such as soldiers and policemen. 6. Human Rights Watch (2002) THE WAR WITHIN THE WAR: Sexual Violence against Women and Girls in Eastern Congo.USA Africa Watch/ Human Rights Forces on all sides in the Congo conflict have committed war crimes against women and girls, Human Rights Watch said in a new 114-page report. The report documents the frequent and sometimes systematic use of rape and other forms of sexual violence in the Rwandan-occupied areas of eastern Congo. 7. Monzini, Paola (2005) SEX TRAFFIC: Prostitution, Crime, and Exploitation.United kingdom: Zed Books. The trafficking of women and girls for prostitution is big business. This book focuses on the experiences of migrant women and girls who have very little choice or control over their lives. Women are forced to compete for work in conditions of extreme sexual exploitation, often being exposed to risky sexual practices, high levels of HIV, violence and murder. This book examines the techniques of recruitment, methods of transportation, and forms of exploitation abroad, and focuses on womens own experiences of migration. It explains the mechanisms of supply and demand and assesses attempts at controlling trafficking and strategies for resistance and change. 8. Oguli Oumo, Margaret; Molokomme, Imelda M.; Gwaba, Monde M. Mogegeh, Valencia K.D (2002) PROMOTING AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO COMBAT GENDER BASED VIOLENCE: A training manual. United Kingdom: Commonwealth Secretariat This is a manual promoting an integrating approach to combat gender based violence with governments, non governmental organizations, private sector and international organizations working together. It includes instructional material and case studies for training trainers, middle level professionals, development workers and extension agents 9. (20 December 1993). Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women. Retrieved March 29, 2007, from Office Of The United Nations High Commissioner For Human Rights Web site: (1993) 10. Raymond and Hughes, Janice G. and Donna M. (March 2001). SEX TRAFFICKING OF WOMEN. Retrieved March 29, 2007, from Coalition Against Trafficking in Women Web site: (Raymond and Hughes, 2001) 11. (2006). TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN BEINGS:. Retrieved March 29, 2007, from Assesing Organized Crime Web site:
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Beatles :: Essay on The Beatles
The Beatles The group that I picked to be an example of a particular type of music is The Beatles. The Beatles included George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and Richard Starkey, other wise known as Ringo Starr. This group is very well known and also influenced many musicians since they formed. The Beatles started their careers in England. They were a huge success there, playing in clubs and eventually for the queen herself. After the appearance before the queen, The Beatles came to the USA. The Beatles came to New York City for the first time in 1964 and appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show. They performed the song â€Å"I want to hold your hand†to millions of people anxious to hear their new kind of rock. They were an instant success. A couple of weeks after their New York appearance, the five best selling records were by the Beatles. They became world famous by the end of 1964. The Beatles were unusual because most rock was strong beat with no melody. The Beatles added melody to rock. The Beatles also added strong and meaningful lyrics. Many of these lyrics were derived from pop culture, and had real life meaning to the group. Most of the songs were written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Although, every song was always credited with being written together, rarely did they write the songs this way. Usually, John and Paul would write songs separately, and then take the songs to the group and work out the kinks. Early in their careers, most of the songs written by The Beatles were about love. This changed in about 1965 when the songs became about more practical things, and about things that were going on in the world. Even when the group decided to break up and go off on their own solo careers, the songs were still about the same basic themes. Paul was the most successful solo artist, followed closely by John.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Dog Breeding and Society Essay
Dogs are known to be man’s best friend. Cliche as it may sound like, dogs have proven continually over the centuries since they were first domesticated, just how helpful they can be in human lives. From being mere allies on the hunting grounds during the Neolithic period to adored and prized pets of families, dogs have been trained to take on more and more roles in human society. The domestication and subsequent breeding of dogs began with their ancestors the wolves. During the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods of human history, both man and wolves shared the same objective of hunting and gathering food, as well as the same enemy, the big cats. (Kreiner 4) Perhaps the humans at that time realized the benefits of having canines on their team in hunting and tracking prey that they began capturing wolf cubs and treating them as pets to be raised as hunters. (â€Å"Dogs and People: The History and Psychology of a Relationship†) With the evolution of dogs into many different breeds, people have also come to realize that not all dogs are the same and that is not just in reference to their physical appearance. In terms of utility, some dogs proved to be better suited to specific jobs like hunting and herding. Similarly, an appreciation for the physical and temperamental qualities of different dogs started taking root. From being mere canine companions, dogs started to be bred to fulfill specific duties. Dog breeding started to be a quest to find and develop the perfect specimen of dog breeds according to utility and genetics. HISTORY OF DOG BREEDING Since humans first started noticing the high trainability and utility of dogs, dogs have started to be bred for special purposes. These include hunting and retrieval of game, military and police service, guides for the blind, and erstwhile companions. (â€Å"Dog†) Dog breeding also finds its roots in the 19th century. Dog breeders believed that the public placed a premium on dogs of a specific size, color, physical, and temperamental qualities. This was proven true when the demand for â€Å"quality†puppies from dog breeders rose from purchases made by people seeking canine companionship or those who needed dogs for herding and hunting. Today the â€Å"elite†and prime examples of different dog breeds can often be seen show cased and recognized in Kennel clubs and dog shows held both nationally and internationally. The year 1859 saw the first dog show in Newcastle, England where judges focused mainly on working dogs and their skills rather than appearance. Dogs of different breeds paraded on floors sprinkled with sawdust and the judging was done only by three men. Today, the American Kennel Club (AKC) is one of the largest of such organizations concerned with recognizing exemplary specimens and abilities of registered dog breeds. Various competitions for dogs measuring their performance level at different skills are done on mostly weekend events. The competitions range from criteria based on different types of dogs or skills such as tracking and following commands. (Baldwin, and Norris 1) â€Å"There are three types of competition–conformation, obedience, and agility. The agility ring is the one many people are familiar with, where dogs go through various exercises and around obstacles,†says Adrian Woodfork, a licensed AKC judge†(Stokely 175) The conformation competition is said to be targeted at challenging breeders to improve the quality of purebred dogs through extra careful selection of breeding specimens as well as faithful recording of bloodlines, temperament and hereditary traits. (Stokely 175) Every year the AKC publishes a â€Å"point scale†that lists the number of awards available at each show based on the number of specific breeds involved in the show. Some actually view these competitions as perfect opportunities to learn more about different breeds particularly if there are contemplating buying a dog. THE NEW CAREER DOGS: Dogs bred and trained for specific jobs or purposes In addition to the traditional breeder who turns out show quality or traditional working dogs for either altruism or profit, there is another kind of breeder who caters to a market that requires highly intelligent and even-tempered dogs for modern purposes. Breeding Racing Dogs Kennel owner Maria Beck (Clarke, Wright, and Jones 250) is the owner of the Lightning Ridge Kennel in Kansas City, Kansas. It is from here that she not only breeds and trains champion greyhounds, but is the only known African American woman kennel owner in the business. Of greyhounds, she shares: â€Å"The animals are so graceful. The excitement of seeing them race took my heart and I realized that it was what I wanted to do. †Breeding Police or Military Dogs Dogs also contributed greatly to their human counterparts during wartime. In World War II, the American Kennel Club and a group called â€Å"Dogs for Defense†got together some quality dogs for donation to the Quartermaster corps. German Shepherds, Belgian Sheep Dogs, Doberman Pinschers, Farm Collies and Giant Schnauzers were trained in the new K-9 Corps between 1942 and 1945. These dogs would later end up saving the lives of thousands of men in combat by acting as sentries, â€Å"partners†and friends to the military or civilian guard on patrol as well as being scouts, messengers and mine-detection dogs. (â€Å"Dogs and People: The History and Psychology of a Relationship†) The K-9 program remains in place up to present time with dogs employed in police work of drug and bomb detection as well as search and recovery. â€Å"We look for high-energy dogs that have a high fetch drive, mostly bird dogs, like labradors and golden retrievers,†says Steven Buzzard of the West Virginia Division of Corrections (Clayton 64). Breeding seeing eye dogs The high trainability of certain dog breeds have also made them suitable for other jobs outside of the military and police force. Helen Docherty (â€Å"PUPPY LOVE; Ena Will†30) is just one of the volunteer â€Å"walkers†who work with dogs at the Guide Dog for the Blind Association in the United Kingdom. Dogs like German shepherds, Labrador retrievers and Golden retrievers in addition to the occasional Boxer and mixed breeds are trained to guide the blind and keep them company. Helen describes her experience as: â€Å"You just have to remember that this dog came for a purpose and it will go on to do what it has been trained to do. The comforting thing is at least you’ve played a part in preparing the dog for the fabulous job in life it is meant for, with a blind person. †Breeding for purebreds Purebred dogs (â€Å"Dog†) are the products of â€Å"inbreeding†or â€Å"line breeding†which just keeps dog mating within just one family bloodline. Inbreeding means that bitches are mated with litter-mates, while line bred dogs are those that are the product or mating between a bitch and its close cousins, grand sire, and so on. These dogs are usually bred to conform to the standards of a certain breed and whose bloodline and lineage (also called pedigree) has been recorded for a prescribed period of time. Kennel Clubs usually keep track of the lineage of registered individual purebreds in order to preserve breed standards. Breeding aimed to diversify gene pool. Some breeders focus mainly on the appearance of their dogs without much regard for its pedigree. Mating dogs that are unrelated to each other through assortative mating, breeders try to solidify positive traits. This is also done when a breeder tries to acquire a lacking trait for his stock by mating one of his dogs with another who displays the desirable trait. Breeding hunting dogs There are also breeders who cater to buyers who need dogs for more specific and utilitarian purposes. Hunting and retrieval dogs are just one of the specialized breeds that enjoy a â€Å"niche†market. So does sporting dogs such as the retrievers, pointers, spaniels and setters. These dogs are especially useful for their ability to track air scents. Ground scent hunters belong to the hound group made up of beagles, foxhounds and bloodhounds. Olden England saw a great demand for this particular kind of breed for their fox hunts and point to point chases. Other dogs that are held in high regard by hunters are the visual hunter greyhound dogs and terriers, which were valuable in hunting burrowing prey. Breeding sheep dogs There were also breeders who specialized in working dogs that are used as herders or guides. This included collies, the German Shepherd and the massive St. Bernard. Ladies who wanted companionship proved to be another market for the breeders. Toy and lap dogs such as the Pekingese and the Pomeranian were elevated to â€Å"status symbols†and cuddly playthings. Other companions were the non-sporting dogs the Boston terrier, the bulldog, the chowchow and the Dalmatian. ISSUES CONCERNING THE BREEDING OF DOGS Whatever the dog owner’s reason is for breeding their dogs, the health and safety of the dogs themselves remain at a risk. In the article â€Å"Eight Good reasons NOT to Breed your Dog†by Dr. Elizabeth L. DeLomba, DVM,(2000) she enumerates the following facts that aspiring breeders may not be aware of: 1. Not all dogs are built to breed. Bitches can die during puppy birth. 2. With the massive rise in pet overpopulation and the numbers of dogs that need to be put down in shelters, there are just too many dogs around. 3. Dogs that are not neutered face serious risk of accidents as unaltered males have high tendencies and urges to roam in search of a female. 4. Unspayed females often attract unwelcome attention from dogs of all breeds. 5. Dog labor is not as easy as some people may think. There are instances when dogs need C-sections in order to birth the puppies. 6. Puppy health and survival are not always assured. 7. Not all dogs have the mothering instinct. Puppies can die due to neglect by their mothers. 8. Preparing puppies for sale won’t necessarily bring breeders a wind fall. There are various expenses such as de-worming, vaccine and neo-natal care that are required for newly born puppies. Some believe that putting dogs in shows are not helping them either. While some may argue that the dogs enjoy the outing, there is the stress of performing in a noisy and often tight space crowded with both humans and dogs. Dutch consulting geneticist E. L. Hagedoorn postulates: â€Å"In the production of economically useful animals, the show ring is more of a menace than an aid to breeding. Once fancy points are introduced into the standard of perfection, the breeders will give more attention to those easily judged qualities than to the more important qualities that do not happen to be of such a nature that we can evaluate them at shows. Showing has nothing to do with utility at all, it is simply a competitive game. †(Burns) There have been criticisms that some judges in the popular dog shows do not even know what work the dogs they are judging are capable of doing. Most of the awards are given to dogs that are â€Å"beautiful†and â€Å"fashionable. †Because of this, some show dog owners have taken to cropping the ears and docking the tails of their dogs for cosmetic purposes. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is opposed to trimming dog ears for cosmetic and show reasons deeming it as a medically unnecessary and stressful procedure for the dogs to undergo. The AVMA has called on the American Kennel Club and other breed associations to ban dogs with cropped ears from dog shows. (353) Backyard breeders who join shows and obsess about winning ribbons rather than improvement and development of the breed usually last around five years before the interest tapers off according to estimates by the AKC. This often leaves dogs who are beautiful but whose functions and skills have been greatly diminished. â€Å"It is a sad but undeniable fact that breeding to a strict standard of physical points is incompatible with breeding for mental qualities. â€Å"(Lorenz 84) Because awards are given to physically perfect dogs, less attention is paid to the temperament and intelligence of both parent dogs this contention has been proved by the fact that various pure breeds of dog did retain their original good character traits until they fell a prey to fashion. (Lorenz 86) In the article â€Å"The Westminster Eugenics Show†by Jonah Goldberg published in the February 13, 2002 edition of â€Å"The New Republic,†he criticizes the way dog shows such as the Westminster has demoted the functionality and intelligence of dogs into just prancing for a beauty pageant. â€Å"The problem is that Westminster does not judge breeds for those traits which rightly make a breed a breed. The Pointers aren’t asked to point (even though the logo of the Westminster Kennel Club has been a pointing Pointer for over a century). The Bassets and Bloodhounds do not track. The Otter Hounds are not tested to see if they could kill, let alone identify, an otter. And so on and so on. â€Å"With the exception of a handful of breeds who were bred to do nothing but either keep your hands warm or wait until some Aztec chef could cook them, not a single breed at Westminster is expected to do what it was bred to do†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Another issue about breeders is the level of responsibility they are credited with in the euthanasia of animals who have not been fortunate to be adopted from the shelters. Just recently, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) launched a billboard campaign against dog breeders and their patrons saying that breeding dogs diminishes the chances of those in animal shelters of being adopted. On their web site, the PETA claims that despite whatever good treatment the dogs under the care of breeders and their buyers receive, they cannot be called â€Å"responsible breeders. †According to PETA, if there is anything that dog breeders are responsible for, it is the deaths of the dogs at the animal shelters who could have been adopted had not the option of purchasing a puppy or dog from a breeder was available. All these issues however, have been strongly negated by dog breeders and owners alike. On the PETA message board itself discussing the new â€Å"billboards vs. breeders campaign†buyers have stated that if they were open to buying dogs without knowledge of their backgrounds, health and temperament-wise, they would have gone to shelters in the first-place. (â€Å"What’s up now Breeders? â€Å") Similarly, breeders have posted their defense on the message boards saying that the dogs in animal shelters are the products of irresponsible pet ownership as well as uncontrolled expansion of the dog population through â€Å"puppy mills†and feral dogs that have not been either spayed or neutered. ‘TRUE BREEDERS’ IN SEARCH OF THE PERFECT DOG Nobody can take dogs more seriously than a true breeder. The selection and process of dog breeding is both an intricate and rewarding one. Before anything, dog breeders assess the physical and mental characteristics of a prospective breed of dog. These are vital for dog breeders are tasked not only with breeding and turning out physically beautiful show type dogs but also making sure that these dogs are sound and even-tempered. Everybody who has owned more than one dog knows how widely individual canine personalities differ from each other. No two are really alike any more than human beings are, even among twins; but even in human beings it is possible to pick out individual traits and, by combining them, to explain up to a certain extent the different temperaments, though character analysis can never attain the grade of an exact natural science, owing to the infinite complexity of its subject. The dog’s personality is vastly simpler, and it is much easier to explain the peculiarities of different characters by considering the development of certain ‘characteristic’ traits, and their combinations in the individual. (Lorenz 19). The quest for the perfect dog specimen is an intricate process. Dog breeds and bloodlines are produced by mating dogs with certain desirable characteristics with the purpose of producing young that carry a combination of all these characteristics. POSITION While it is true that despite its noble beginnings Dog breeding has turned into something that can be exploited for financial gain, it is thoroughly irresponsible to lump all breeders under one banner. There are some breeders who truly care about their charges and seek only to preserve that particular breed. Perhaps rather than continually blaming one organization or another for the fate endured by shelter dogs, it would be much better to push for stricter laws regarding the sales and ownership of dogs as well as measures for neutering/spaying feral canines. As for the dog shows, it would be wise to remember that it wasn’t the dog’s choice to be there. There is a need to educate both sides of the argument as to the views of the other. They may both have valid points but too radical and extreme thinking can only bring more harm than good. There has to be some form of compromise. CONCLUSION Dogs as well as other domesticated animals have brought much joy and benefits in their co-existence with human beings. Whether it be for companionship or something more utilitarian, dogs have proven to be man’s best friend in ways that other human’s just cannot. People need to be aware however that the human’s mandate of stewardship includes a responsibility to all creatures under their care. Humans are the stewards of their canine companions. Caring for dogs does not stop at simply feeding them. Bottom line however is whether human or pets, every living thing is entitled to security, protection from harm and respect. It is just a pity and a vast shame that dogs cannot talk and that they cannot be asked what they think of their status and existence in human society. Works Cited Baldwin, Cheryl K. , and Patricia A. Norris. â€Å"Exploring the Dimensions of Serious Leisure: â€Å"Love Me – Love My Dog! â€Å". †Journal of Leisure Research 31. 1 (1999): 1. Burns, Patrick. â€Å"From Rosettes to Ruin: Making and Breaking Dogs in the Show Ring. †Terrierman. com. Clarke, Robyn D. , Mark W. Wright, and Chandrika M. Jones. â€Å"Running with the Big Dogs. †Black Enterprise Feb. 2000: 250. Clayton, Susan L. â€Å"Teaching Dogs New Tricks. †Corrections Today June 1999: 64. DeLomba, Elizabeth. â€Å"Eight Good Reasons Not to Breed Your Dog. â€Å"WorkingDogs. 2000 Workingdogs. com 3 Oct 2007. â€Å"Dogs and People: The History and Psychology of a Relationship. †Journal of Business Administration and Policy Analysis : 54+. Goldberg, Jonah. â€Å"Westminster Eugenics Show. †National Review Online. 13 February 2002. nationalreview. com 3 Oct2007 Kreiner, Judith. â€Å"A Look at Friends: Man and His Dog. †The Washington Times 12 Feb. 2000: 4. Lorenz, Konrad. Man Meets Dog. London: Routledge, 2002. â€Å"PUPPY LOVE; Ena Will Soon Be a Guide Dog Thanks to the Care and Training of One Woman. †Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland) 2 Feb. 2006: 30. Stokely, Sonja Brown. â€Å"Gone to the Dogs. †Black Enterprise Dec. 2000: 175.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Organisation on learning Essay
Background: Previous research suggests that the organisation of information is integral to its storage in and recall from memory. Aim: Differences with regard to the use of categorisation of information have been observed between cultures and age groups, so the aim is to find out the degree to which categorisation affects the learning of information in 16-18 year olds. Method: 20 participants aged 16-18 had 60 seconds to learn as many words as they could from a grid containing 24 words. The grid contained 6 words in 4 different semantic categories and was either categorised (control) or randomised (experimental). Participants then recalled as many of the words as they could. The amount of words that they recalled was observed. Results: The difference in the number of words remembered between the two conditions was found to be insignificant when put to the independent t-test and tested at the 0.05 level. In fact, participants in Condition B (randomised) recalled more words on average than those in Condition A (organised). However, participants in Condition B showed 68.83% categorisation upon recall, compared with 0.5% that would have been shown if participants recalled the words in the order that they appeared on the radomised grid. Conclusion: The results suggest that the degree of organisation of information upon presentation does not affect the amount of information remembered. However, the actual process of mentally organising the information may be a significant factor in the amount of information remembered. Individual differences may affect the way the information is organised, but this study found that categorical organisation was the most common form of this. Introduction Much evidence suggests that information in memory is highly organised, and that we remember large amounts of information by associating it with other similar pieces of information already stored. It may even be that the organisation of information is a prerequisite for information to be stored; for example, Mandler (1967) stated that memory and organization are not only correlated, but organization is a necessary condition for memory. From this viewpoint, it follows that, by definition, any information stored in the memory must be organised somehow. It may also be that the organisation of information upon presentation facilitates its storage, and that if information is not organised, people will attempt to create their own methods of organisation (Tulving, 1968). Categorical clustering is a term coined by Bousfield (1953) in order to describe one type of organisation in learning. In his research, he presented participants with a list of 60 words (15 from 4 different categories: animals, anthroponyms, professions and vegetables) and asked participants to free-recall the list. He found that, despite not having been told what the categories were, participants tended to recall the words according to their category and thus demonstrated the phenomenon. Bower et al. (1969) presented participants with words which were arranged into conceptual hierarchies. For one group, these were arranged in hierarchical form, and for the other they were listed randomly. The participants who were presented with the words in hierarchical form recalled almost 31/2 times as many words as those to whom they were presented randomly, suggesting that the organisation of the words upon presentation facilitated their storage in memory. A similar trait has also been observed with naturally occurring stimuli. Rubin and Olson (1980) asked students to recall the names of as many members of staff in their school as they could, and found that students showed a strong tendency for the members of staff’s names to be recalled by their respective departments. This also shows evidence for categorical organisation. They further found that students who re-arranged word cards into more categories remembered more words on average than those who created less categories, and that those who were not told to actively remember the words, instead just sort them, remembered the same amount as those asked to remember them. These indicate that not only does categorisation increase the amount of information remembered, but the active process of organisation may even cause the information to be remembered. More support that organisation and learning are intertwined comes from Kahana and Wingfield (2000), who found that the relation between organisation and learning remained the same even after significant differences between participants’ mnemonic abilities had been taken into account. One case study which suggests that memory is highly organised comes from Hart et al. (1985). Having almost made a complete recovery from a stroke two years previously, M.D. experienced no problems except that he was unable to name different types of fruit and vegetable or sort them into categories. However, he was able to name and sort types of food, for example, and vehicles, which suggests that his inability to carry out these tasks was limited to specific semantic categories. Aims The findings of this previous research suggest that organisation does play a large role in the storage, structuring and restructuring of information in memory. However, organisation does not necessarily imply categorisation, which is what will be tested here. Also, in a similar way that Gutchess et al. (2006) found that age and culture affected the way in which categorisation was used in memory, it may be that young people in turn use it differently. So, the following experiment aims to investigate the effects of organisation on learning in 16-18 year-olds. More specifically, it will investigate the degree to which organisation of information upon presentation affects the storage and recall of words presented in a randomised grid. Following on from research by Bower et al. (1969) and Rubin and Olson (1980), two hypotheses have been drawn: Experimental hypothesis Participants will recall, on average, fewer words when the words given are listed randomly, than will the participants for whom the words are listed categorically.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Difference Between an Immigrant Visa and Nonimmigrant Visa
Difference Between an Immigrant Visa and Nonimmigrant Visa What Is the difference between an immigrant visa and a nonimmigrant visa? Your choice of visa is determined by the purpose of your travel to the United States. If your stay will be temporary, then youll want to make an application for a nonimmigrant visa. This type of visa allows you to travel to a U.S. port-of-entry to request admittance from a Department of Homeland Security official. If you are a citizen of a country thats part of the Visa Waiver Program, you may come to the U.S. without a visa if you meet certain requirements. There are more than 20 visas available under the nonimmigrant classification, to cover the variety of reasons why someone may visit for a short time. These reasons include tourism, business, medical treatment and certain types of temporary work. Immigrant visas are granted to those who intend to live and work permanently in the U.S. There are 4 major categories within this visa classification, including immediate relatives, special immigrants, family-sponsored and employer-sponsored.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Should the Endangered Species Act be Strengthend Essay
Should the Endangered Species Act be Strengthend - Essay Example Species have an indescribable amount of benefits to humans-with some not yet discovered. â€Å"An antibiotic was discovered in the soils of the threatened New Jersey Pine Barrens Natural Area, a species of perennial corn was found in Mexico; it is resistant to several diseases of corn and an insect was discovered that when frightened produces an excellent insect-repelling chemical.†(Regina Bailey, The Endangered Species Act was passed in 1973 in order to control the fast rate of extinction for a variety of beneficial reasons discussed further in the paper. The Endangered Species Act In order to foster the Protection and conservation of endangered species, the Endangered Species Act was passed on December 28, 1973 by Richard Nixon. Presently, the Act is administered by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). According to the National Wildlife Federation, since 2009, 1361 plants and animals in th e US have been listed as endangered or threatened. The FWS carries out a multiple research on different species and they are organization responsible for listing a species as endangered. For a specie to be considered endangered, a number of factors are considered such as; the amount of its habitat destroyed, is it being over-consumed, is it being threatened by disease or other predation or are there other man made factors affecting its survival. The Endangered Act of 1973; authorizes the determination and listing of listing species as endangered and threatened. It prohibits the unauthorized taking, possession, sale and transport of endangered species. It provides authority to acquire land for the conservation of listed species, using land and water conservation funds; it authorizes the establishment of cooperative agreements and grants-in-aid to states that establish and maintain active and adequate programs for endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; it authorizes the assess ment of civil and criminal penalties for violating the Act or regulations; and authorizes the payment of rewards to anyone furnishing information leading to arrest and conviction for any violation of the Act or any regulation issued hereunder. (Cited from, May 7, 2011) Should the Endangered Species Act be strengthened? It is seen by some non-environmentalists as a weapon used by radical environmentalists and is the most wasteful and counterproductive laws in the books. In addition to that, they believe that it practically turned into a tool exerting political leverage. Some are even vouching for cancellation of the ‘critical habitat’ designation which limits development in the habitat of endangered species. With reference to some consulted literature- the majority of persons wanting to trash the 1973 legislation is more than the amount who want to strengthen the Act by 9%. The researcher is in total disagreement with the persons who want to the Act to be demolis hed and considers these actions selfish. The Endangered Species Act of 1973 is one of the most important laws passed in America of all time. It’s had many successes and undoubtedly will have far greater success if and when strengthened. America has a fast rate of extinction and should the Act not be strengthened or demolished we will all be faced with the consequences. Considering all the benefits discussed in this paper, there should be enough reason for the act to be strengthened. There are
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Group field work report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Group field work report - Essay Example It is aggravated by shortage of entry points into the city and roundabouts. Currently, Parramatta is going through a development program that will focus mainly on transport within the area to encourage economic growth. The city council resurfaces roads, installs traffic lights and takes measures to enhance usability of the roads by motorists. In addition, it is putting up new footpaths and paid parking meters. not fully aware of the traffic rules and various road signs. Motorists, who over speed under the influence of alcohol or drugs, ignore safety measures results into accidents. Children usually get excited when they are on roads. The motorists have to limit their speed in the school zones, drive ways and car parks. Drive ways and car parks pose a bigger risk to children because the vehicles move slowly which they may misinterpret thinking the vehicle has stopped or they may start motion without children noticing or the driver noticing the children (Kids and Traffic 2010). According to Preston (2010), bicycles, scooters, rollerblades and skateboards are popular with children who use them for playing. The parents should advise them to use proper safety gear. These play wheels should be used within adult supervision preferably in parks away from active traffic or on safe routes prescribed by the City Council. Recent statistics show that road crashes are the biggest killer of school going children: a fact that is quite frightening (Kids Safety 2010). When children are travelling by bus, it is essential to fit and maintain child restraints. According to the new laws implemented by the RTA, all children under the age of four should travel in the rear seat while children between the ages of four and seven can only travel in the front seat if all the rear seats are occupied by younger children. Children Road Safety (2010) is of the opinion that restraints are
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